Guntars Būmans
Relāciju datu bāzu informācijas pieejamība semantiskā tīmekļa tehnoloģijām
Promocijas darba „Relāciju datu bāzu informācijas pieejamība semantiskā tīmekļa tehnoloģijām” Anotācija Atslēgas vārdi: relāciju datu bāze, RDF, OWL, ontoloģijas, attēlojums Semantiskā tīmekļa uzdevums ir pārvērst tīmekli no milzīgas dokumentu kolekcijas par bagātu datu avotu, no kura datorprogrammas varētu automātiski iegūt informāciju. Lielākā daļa esošo datu glabājas relāciju datu bāzēs un nav pieejamas semantiskam tīmeklim. Darba mērķis ir atrast risinājumu relāciju datu bāzu un OWL ontololoģijas sasaistei. Darbā 1) pētīti esošie risinājumus relāciju datu bāzu un RDF/OWL ontoloģiju sasaistes nodrošināšanā; 2) izveidota RDB-RDF/OWL attēlojuma specificēšanas valoda, kas orientēta uz lasām…
RDB2OWL is a simple approach of mapping relational databases into independently developed OWL ontologies. The approach is based on creating a mapping RDB schema, filling it with mapping information from which SQL scripts are generated that perform the instance-level transformation. We describe the RDB2OWL mapping schema and report on successful application of the technology to the migration of Latvian medical registries data.
Advanced RDB-to-RDF/OWL Mapping Facilities in RDB2OWL
We present advanced features of RDB2OWL mapping specification language that allows expressing RDB-to-RDF/OWL mappings in a concise and human comprehensible way. The RDB2OWL mappings can be regarded as documentation of the database-to-ontology relation. The RDB2OWL language uses the OWL ontology structure as a backbone for mapping specification by placing the database link information into the annotations for ontology classes and properties. Its features include reuse of database table key information, user defined scalar and aggregate functions, table-based functions and multiclass conceptualization that is essential to keep mappings compact in case when large tables are mapped onto several…
Database to Ontology Mapping Patterns in RDB2OWL Lite
We describe the RDB2OWL Lite language for relational database to RDF/OWL mapping specification and discuss the architectural and content specification patterns arising in mapping definition. RDB2OWL Lite is a simplification of original RDB2OWL with aggregation possibilities and order-based filters removed, while providing in-mapping SQL view definition possibilities. The mapping constructs and their usage patterns are illustrated on mapping examples from medical domain: medicine registries and hospital information system. The RDB2OWL Lite mapping implementation is offered both via translation into D2RQ and into standard R2RML mapping notations.