G Fenu
Quanto è utile la conservazione ex situ per quella in situ?
Lista Rossa IUCN della Flora Italiana. 1. Policy Species e altre specie minacciate
As part of the Mediterranean global biodiversity hotspot, the Italian flora is particularly rich of species, many of them endemic to restricted territories. In some areas of Italy endemic plant species reach very high percentages, between 13% and 20% of the local flora. However, plant diversity in the Mediterranean Basin is facing several threats due to changes of the current socio-economic dynamics. Italy is not an exception and urgent conservation measures are needed to halt the loss of biodiversity and preserve the numerous threatened species. This volume is the output of a project started in 2012, funded by the Italian Ministry of Environment for the Protection of Land and Sea and carri…
Nuove liste rosse della flora italiana
Vengono presentate le nuove liste rosse per la Flora Italiana incluse le piante superiori, le briofite ed i funghi