J. Alex Elliott
Modelling the impact of higher temperature on the phytoplankton of a boreal lake
We linked the models PROTECH and MyLake to test potential impacts of climate-changeinduced warming on the phytoplankton community of Pyhäjärvi, a lake in southwest Finland. First, we calibrated the models for the present conditions, which revealed an apparent high significance of internal nutrient loading for Pyhäjärvi. We then estimated the effect of two climate change scenarios on lake water temperatures and ice cover duration with MyLake. Finally, we used those outputs to drive PROTECH to predict the resultant phytoplankton community. It was evident that cyanobacteria will grow significantly better in warmer water, especially in the summer. Even if phosphorus and nitrogen loads to the la…
New, old and evergreen frontiers in freshwater phytoplankton ecology: the legacy of Colin S. Reynolds
This paper offers a brief overview of the contributions provided by widely recognised phytoplankton ecologists to honour the memory of an undisputed leader in the field of aquatic sciences: Colin S. Reynolds. Colin passed away quite unexpectedly in December 2018 causing a wave of sorrow that rapidly circulated among friends and colleagues all over the world. The 14 review papers collected in this Special Issue form a tribute to Colin’s scientific thinking, which survives the man and represents a legacy to all the scientists in the field, especially to young generations. Although authors and editors carefully selected 14 different topics, a certain degree of overlap exists among the collecte…