Nargiz Rzayeva
Abstract 13257: FEV1 and FVC predict Mortality in Individuals Without Manifest Lung Disease Independent of Cardiac Performance - Results From the Population-based Gutenberg Health Study
Background: Pulmonary disease has consistently been related to increased mortality. We investigated central spirometry variables in relation to total mortality in individuals from the general population without diagnosed lung disease also accounting for cardiac function. Methods: In 15,010 individuals from the general population (mean age 55±11 years, age range 35-74 years, 50.5% men) in the Gutenberg Health Study we performed spirometry and multimodal transthoracic echocardiography. The biomarkers N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (Nt-proBNP) and high-sensitive troponin I (TnI) were measured in the first 5000 individuals using commercially available assays. Multivariable Cox regre…
Subclinical impairment of lung function is related to mild cardiac dysfunction and manifest heart failure in the general population.
Lung function impairment has previously been related to heart failure, although no overt cardiovascular or structural heart disease is present. The extent to which pulmonary function is related to subclinical left ventricular impairment in the general population remains to be investigated.15010 individuals from the general population (mean age 55±11years, 50.5% men) in the Gutenberg Health Study underwent spirometry, transthoracic echocardiography and biomarker measurement. Forced expiratory volume in 1s (FEV1) and forced vital capacity (FVC) in percent of the predicted value and FEV1/FVC ratio were associated with echocardiographic measures of cardiac structure, systolic and diastolic func…
Atrial Fibrillation Manifestations Risk Factors and Sex Differences in a Population-Based Cohort (From the Gutenberg Health Study)
Sex differences in cardiovascular risk factors, cardiac structure and function, and disease and symptom burden in the common arrhythmia atrial fibrillation (AF) have not been investigated systematically at the population level. Cross-sectional data of 14,796 subjects (age range 35 to 74 years, 50.5% men) from the population-based Gutenberg Health Study were examined to show the distribution of cardiovascular risk factors by AF status and sex, and to determine sex-specific predictors for AF. The prevalence of AF was higher in men (4.3%) than in women (1.9%). Men had a worse cardiovascular risk factor profile, a higher prevalence of cardiovascular disease, but fewer symptoms than women. Age-a…
FEV1 and FVC predict all-cause mortality independent of cardiac function - Results from the population-based Gutenberg Health Study.
Abstract Background Lung function has previously been related to increased mortality. Whether pulmonary impairment is associated with an increased mortality independent of cardiac dysfunction remains unclear. Methods In 15010 individuals from the general population (age range 35–74years, 51% men) in the Gutenberg Health Study we performed spirometry and transthoracic echocardiography. N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (Nt-proBNP) and high-sensitive troponin I (hsTnI) were measured in all individuals. 1819 individuals with pulmonary diseases were excluded from further analysis. Results The median for forced expiratory volume in 1s (FEV1) was 94.2% and for forced vital capacity (FVC) …