Manuel Illueca Muñoz
Crisis financiera e información. La información contable y la estabilidad financiera: el debate entorno a las provisiones anticíclicas
Disciplinary Sanctions and Audit Quality: Empirical Evidence from an External Oversight System
This paper provides empirical evidence on the impact of disciplinary sanctions on audit quality, based on the external oversight system set up in Spain in the early nineties. Specifically, we examine the effects of the sanctions imposed by the Institute of Accounting and Auditing (ICAC), a government regulatory agency independent from the auditing industry. To proxy for audit quality, two client-specific earnings quality indicators are considered; i.e. the likelihood of loss reporting and abnormal accruals. According to our results, the Spanish external oversight system does not penalise isolated but structural audit malpractice, since sanctioned auditors exhibit lower average audit quality…