Virginia G. Toy
Impact of Coseismic Frictional Melting on Particle Size, Shape Distribution and Chemistry of Experimentally-Generated Pseudotachylite
In natural friction melts, or pseudotachylites, clast textures and glass compositions can influence the frictional behavior of faults hosting pseudotachylites, and are, in turn, sensitive to the processes involved in pseudotachylite formation. Quantification of these parameters in situations where the host rock composition and formation conditions are well-constrained, such as analogue experiments, may yield calibrations that can be employed in analysis of natural pseudotachylites. In this paper, we experimentally-generated pseudotachylites in granitoid rocks (tonalite and Westerly granite) at Pconf= 40 MPa and slip rates of ∼0.1 m s−1, comparable to the conditions under which natural pseud…
Three-Dimensional Separation and Characterization of Fractures in X-Ray Computed Tomographic Images of Rocks
Open fractures can affect petrophysical properties of their host rock masses, as well as fluid transport and storage, so characterization of them is important to both industrial and research scientists. X-ray Computed Tomography (CT), a non-destructive technique for 3D imaging of various materials, shows such fractures well in rock samples. However, separation and characterization of fractures in CT data is complicated when a scanned sample contains narrow and intersecting fractures, because narrow fractures become blurred when thinner than the scanner resolution and their value approximates the one of the matrix, and because intersecting features are difficult to individually characterize.…
Do active faults' clay mineral compositions affect whether earthquake ruptures they host will displace the surface?
Abstracts & presentations / EGU General Assembly 2021 EGU General Assembly 2021, EGU21, online, 19 Apr 2021 - 30 Apr 2021; G��ttingen : Copernicus Gesellschaft mbH EGU21-8627, 1 Seite (2021). doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu21-8627