Linking the Molecular Signature of Heteroatomic Dissolved Organic Matter to Watershed Characteristics in World Rivers
Large world rivers are significant sources of dissolved organic matter (DOM) to the oceans. Watershed geomorphology and land use can drive the quality and reactivity of DOM. Determining the molecular composition of riverine DOM is essential for understanding its source, mobility and fate across landscapes. In this study, DOM from the main stem of 10 global rivers covering a wide climatic range and land use features was molecularly characterized via ultrahigh-resolution Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR-MS). FT-ICR mass spectral data revealed an overall similarity in molecular components among the rivers. However, when focusing specifically on the contributi…
Molecular composition of dissolved organic matter from a wetland plant (Juncus effusus) after photochemical and microbial decomposition (1.25 yr): Common features with deep sea dissolved organic matter
We hypothesized that microbial and photochemical processing of dissolved organic matter (DOM) determines its molecular formula composition in aquatic systems to a greater degree than does the original source of the DOM. To test this hypothesis, we exposed DOM from a leachate of a wetland plant (Juncus effusus) to solar radiation or incubated it in the dark for 1.25 yr. Analysis of the extracted DOM of the leachates via Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR-MS) identified 2800 molecular formulae. Of the formulae in the initial DOM, 11% were lost during microbial decomposition in the dark and 54% under solar radiation. Solar radiation also produced a large number…
Global charcoal mobilization from soils via dissolution and riverine transport to the oceans
Dissolving Charcoal Biomass burning produces 40 to 250 million tons of charcoal per year worldwide. Much of this is preserved in soils and sediments for thousands of years. However, the estimated production rate of charcoal is significantly larger than that of decomposition, and Jaffe et al. (p. 345 ; see the Perspective by Masiello and Louchouarn ) calculate that a large fraction of the charcoal produced by fires is lost from the land through dissolution and transport to the oceans.