José Manuel Gándara Rey
Dental implants placed on bone subjected to vertical alveolar distraction show the same performance as those placed on primitive bone
Introduction: Vertical osteogenic alveolar distraction (VOAD) allows for the augmentation of the alveolar ridge for the placement of dental implants in atrophic alveolar ridges. The goal of this paper is to assess long-term peri-implant bone resorption in implants placed on bones subjected to VOAD, comparing it with a group of patients who had implants placed directly on the alveolar bone without previous bone regeneration. Material and Methods: We conducted a follow-up study on 32 patients who were divided into two groups: The Distraction Group (14 patients), and the Distraction-Free Group (18 patients), who received a total of 100 implants. Peri-implant bone loss was measured by means of …
Does oral contraceptive use affect the incidence of complications after extraction of a mandibular third molar?
Objective This study investigated whether oral contraceptive use affects the incidence of complications (pain, trismus, dry socket) in women undergoing removal of impacted mandibular third molars. Patients and Method Two hundred and sixty seven women, aged 17 – 45 years, underwent removal of an impacted mandibular third molar. Eighty seven of the women were regular users of oral contraceptives. All patients were evaluated for postoperative pain, trismus and dry socket (localized alveolar osteitis). Results Mean trismus values (measured as maximum interincisal distance) were similar in the two groups of patients. Postoperative pain was significantly more frequent among women taking contracep…
Oral manifestations of Cowden?s disease : presentation of a clinical case
Cowden?s disease, or multiple hamartoma syndrome, is an autosomal dominant genodermatosis, characterized by the presence of multiple cutaneous hamartomas, oral fibromas and benign acral keratosis. It affects multiple organs (breast, thyroids, stomach, colon), with the strong possibility of malignant neoplasia developing in these organs. We present a case of this rare syndrome, highlighting the presentation of some clinical characteristics that, in suspected cases, can help to establish an early diagnosis of this disease, this being of great importance given the high frequency of tumors in people with this clinical picture.
Microarrays de DNA en el cáncer oral
Uno de los principales objetivos en la investigación sobre el cáncer en la actualidad es el estudio de marcadores que puedan predecir el pronóstico o la respuesta al tratamiento de forma individual. El número de genes implicados en los distintos pasos de la carcinogénesis oral aumenta a medida que se investiga sobre el tema. Los microarrays de DNA permiten el análisis simultáneo de la expresión de cientos de genes de un tejido en un solo experimento. El formato paralelo del ensayo permite el estudio de diferencias en la expresión genética entre células normales y enfermas, puesto que la actividad de cada gen en el microarray puede ser comparada en dos poblaciones celulares distintas. El obj…
Aplicaciones de la citología exfoliativa en el diagnóstico del cáncer oral
La citología exfoliativa es una técnica sencilla, no agresiva y bien aceptada por los pacientes, por lo que podría ser útil en el diagnóstico precoz del cáncer oral. Sin embargo, su utilización como método diagnóstico de atipias epiteliales y especialmente del carcinoma oral de células escamosas ha perdido importancia, sobre todo debido a su baja sensibilidad representada por el elevado número de resultados falsos negativos. Se atribuye esta baja sensibilidad a diversos factores, entre ellos: toma inadecuada de la muestra, error en la técnica e interpretación subjetiva de los hallazgos citológicos. Afortunadamente, en los últimos tiempos, el desarrollo del análisis cuantitativo, la citomorf…