Erik Yves H. Adalberon
Innovating examinations in teacher education
Lærerutdanning er en av de mest betydningsfulle utdanningene i verden. Det legges mye ressurser i utvikling og innovasjon for at denne skal fungere best mulig, både nasjonalt og internasjonalt. Likevel er det noen tilbakevendende dilemmaer som dukker opp i en akademisert utdanning av lærere, og særlig forholdet mellom teori og praksis blir fremhevet som et vanskelig område. Alle elementer i utdanningen må derfor bidra til bygge en enhetlig og meningsfull utdanning for lærerstudenter. Denne avhandlingen tar utgangspunkt i et konkret eksempel hvor innovasjon av lærerutdanningen er i sentrum, og fokuset er rettet mot en ny eksamensform som ble introdusert ved Universitetet i Oslo rundt 2013. E…
Providing assessment feedback to pre-service teachers : a study of examiners’ comments
This article reports a study of written feedback comments in the context of teacher education. While feedback is believed to have the potential to improve students’ learning, the provision will res...
Informal use of social media in higher education: A case study of Facebook groups
Abstract Recent research in Norway reveals significant differences between how students and educators in higher education report using social media in the context of university activities. Students seem to use such media at their own initiative and largely outside the academic agenda. This study looks further into students’ use of social media by means of a case study of four, student-initiated, Facebook groups created in connection with campus-based courses. The main function of such groups appears to lie in providing an arena for managing practical and social aspects of academic life and for asking for and disseminating information. Occasionally, academic contents are addressed by student…
Pre-service teachers’ experiences with a digital examination design: The inter-relation between continuity and change in an institutional context
AbstractThis article reports a study of a full-scale digital examination in a five-year master program of teacher education in Norway. The innovative design involves observing a video case based on an authentic classroom situation and analysing the case in light of educational theory and subject content knowledge. All parts of this format are to be solved on a computer with Internet access. The study is centred on the pre-service teachers’ experiences of this open-ended and unfamiliar testing format. More specifically, the intention has been to analyse (a) what kinds of preparations they engaged in; (b) how they solved tasks during the examination; (c) their reflections on this mode of exam…