J��nis Iraids
Exact quantum query complexity of $\rm{EXACT}_{k,l}^n$
In the exact quantum query model a successful algorithm must always output the correct function value. We investigate the function that is true if exactly $k$ or $l$ of the $n$ input bits given by an oracle are 1. We find an optimal algorithm (for some cases), and a nontrivial general lower and upper bound on the minimum number of queries to the black box.
Quantum Speedups for Exponential-Time Dynamic Programming Algorithms
In this paper we study quantum algorithms for NP-complete problems whose best classical algorithm is an exponential time application of dynamic programming. We introduce the path in the hypercube problem that models many of these dynamic programming algorithms. In this problem we are asked whether there is a path from $0^n$ to $1^n$ in a given subgraph of the Boolean hypercube, where the edges are all directed from smaller to larger Hamming weight. We give a quantum algorithm that solves path in the hypercube in time $O^*(1.817^n)$. The technique combines Grover's search with computing a partial dynamic programming table. We use this approach to solve a variety of vertex ordering problems o…
Parameterized Quantum Query Complexity of Graph Collision
We present three new quantum algorithms in the quantum query model for \textsc{graph-collision} problem: \begin{itemize} \item an algorithm based on tree decomposition that uses $O\left(\sqrt{n}t^{\sfrac{1}{6}}\right)$ queries where $t$ is the treewidth of the graph; \item an algorithm constructed on a span program that improves a result by Gavinsky and Ito. The algorithm uses $O(\sqrt{n}+\sqrt{\alpha^{**}})$ queries, where $\alpha^{**}(G)$ is a graph parameter defined by \[\alpha^{**}(G):=\min_{VC\text{-- vertex cover of}G}{\max_{\substack{I\subseteq VC\\I\text{-- independent set}}}{\sum_{v\in I}{\deg{v}}}};\] \item an algorithm for a subclass of circulant graphs that uses $O(\sqrt{n})$ qu…