Rubén Cuesta-barriuso
Using the Hemophilia Joint Health Score for assessment of children: Reliability of the Spanish version
Introduction: Numerous measuring instruments for the evaluation of hemophilic arthropathy have been developed. One of the most used systems is the Hemophilia Joint Health Score (HJHS) given its sensitivity to clinical changes appearing in the joints because of recurrent hemarthrosis. Objective: Assessing the interrater reliability, using the Spanish version of the HJHS (version 2.1) in children with hemophilia. Design: Reliability study to assess the interrater reliability of the Spanish version of HJHS. Methods: A sample of 36 children aged 7–13 years diagnosed with hemophilia A or B was used. Two physiotherapists performed physical assessments with the Spanish version of the HJHS. Descrip…
Balance evaluation in haemophilic preadolescent patients using Nintendo Wii Balance Board®
Introduction: Alterations in the musculoskeletal system, especially in the lower limbs, limit physical activity and affect balance and walking. Postural impairments in haemophilic preteens could increase the risk of bleeding events and deteriorate the physical condition, promoting the progression of haemophilic arthropathy. Aim: This study aims to evaluate static postural balance in haemophilic children, assessed by means of the Wii Balance Board® (WBB). Methods: Nineteen children with haemophilia and 19 without haemophilia aged 9-10 years, have participated in this study. Postural balance was assessed by performing four tests, each one lasting 15 s: bipodal eyes open (BEO), bipodal eyes cl…
Sporting Activities and Quality of Life in Children With Hemophilia: An Observational Study.
Sports activities are part of multidisciplinary treatments in people with hemophilia. Aim: The objective of this study was to assess the incidence of sports activities in the quality of life as perceived by children with hemophilia. Methods: A total of 53 children with hemophilia aged 7 to 13 years and 51 children without hemophilia were evaluated. The perception of quality of life, clinical variables, and the frequency of sports activities were registered. The joint condition of patients with hemophilia was measured with the Spanish version of the Haemophilia Joint Health Score. Results: There were no significant differences in the perception of quality of life between children with hemoph…