In vitro T-cell immunogenicity of oligopeptides derived from the region 92-110 of the 16-kDa protein ofMycobacterium tuberculosis
The 16-kDa protein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis provokes specific immune responses; it is thus a target for the development of peptide-based diagnostic reagents and subunit vaccines. Previous studies have demonstrated the presence of several regions containing murine and human T-cell epitopes. Within the 91–110 immunodominant domain, we found that peptides comprising the sequence of 91SEFAYGSFVRTVSL104 elicit specific T-cell responses in both human T-cell clones and human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from PPD+ (purified protein derivative) individuals. Elongation of this peptide towards the C-terminal end did not provide more effective peptides, but the removal of residue 91Se…