Jose A. Rodriguez
Initial results on energy resolution of the NEXT-White detector
One of the major goals of the NEXT-White (NEW) detector is to demonstrate the energy resolution that an electroluminescent high pressure xenon TPC can achieve for high energy tracks. For this purpose, energy calibrations with 137Cs and 232Th sources have been carried out as a part of the long run taken with the detector during most of 2017. This paper describes the initial results obtained with those calibrations, showing excellent linearity and an energy resolution that extrapolates to approximately 1% FWHM at Q$_{\beta\beta}$.
Peripheral T-cell lymphoma associated consecutively with hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis and hypereosinophilic syndrome
: Both hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis and hypereosinophilic syndrome have been associated with hematologic neoplasms and are respectively related to an overproduction of the cytokines Thelper 1 (Th1) and Th2 by tumor cells or reactive cells. To our knowledge, this is the first time a case of a peripheral T-cell lymphoma consecutively associated with both paraneoplastic conditions has been reported. Importantly, in this case when the lymphoma exclusively involved the bone marrow, severe paraneoplastic systemic damage, a CD8+ suppressor/cytotoxic phenotype and a hypereosinophilia not related to high levels of interleukin (IL)-5 was found. Interestingly, progression of the lymphoma coinci…
Sensitivity of the NEXT experiment to Xe-124 double electron capture
[EN] Double electron capture by proton-rich nuclei is a second-order nuclear process analogous to double beta decay. Despite their similarities, the decay signature is quite di erent, potentially providing a new channel to measure the hypothesized neutrinoless mode of these decays. The Standard-Model-allowed two-neutrino double electron capture has been predicted for a number of isotopes, but only observed in 78Kr, 130Ba and, recently, 124Xe. The sensitivity to this decay establishes a benchmark for the ultimate experimental goal, namely the potential to discover also the lepton-number-violating neutrinoless version of this process. Here we report on the current sensitivity of the NEXT-Whit…