Issues with European guidelines for phenylketonuria
Recessive multiple epiphyseal dysplasia (rMED): phenotype delineation in eighteen homozygotes for DTDST mutation R279W.
Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia (MED) is a generalised skeletal dysplasia that although relatively mild is associated with significant morbidity. Joint pain, joint deformity, waddling gait, and short stature are the main clinical signs and symptoms. In the past, the disorder was subdivided into the milder Ribbing type, usually with flattened epiphyses,1 and the more severe Fairbank type with round epiphyses,2 but many cases were not classifiable as clearly either type.3 MED can be caused by mutations in at least six separate genes: COMP ,4–7 collagen IX ( COL9A1 , COL9A2 , and COL9A3 ),8–13 matrilin 3 ( MATN3 ),15 and the sulphate transporter, DTDST ( DTDST/SLC26A2 ). We have previously repor…