Maili Pörhölä

Lasten ja nuorten verkkokiusaamisen tutkimushaasteita : puheenvuoro

Verkkokiusaaminen (cyberbullying) on suhteellisen uusi käsite, jolla tarkoitetaan viestintäteknologian kuten sähköpostin, puhelimen tai sosiaalisen median välityksellä tapahtuvaa loukkaamista ja vahingoittamista. Vaikka ilmiö on saanut mediassa paljon julkisuutta, on verkkokiusaamisen tutkimus käynnistynyt vasta 2000-luvun puolivälissä. Tutkijat ovat olleet kiinnostuneita erityisesti lasten ja nuorten keskuudessa esiintyvästä verkkokiusaamisesta, josta onkin muutamassa vuodessa kasvanut yksi koulumaailman vakavimmista ongelmista. Tässä kirjallisuuskatsauksessa1 kuvataan, miten verkkokiusaamista on määritelty ja millaisia erityispiirteitä siinä on tunnistettu. Lisäksi kootaan verkkokiusaamis…

research product

Cross-cultural comparisons of bullying among university students : perspectives from Argentina, Estonia, Finland and the United States

The chapter compares bullying experiences among university students between four countries and aims to provide an understanding of the cultural features which might affect these experiences. We start by providing a summary of the results from a cross-cultural survey conducted among undergraduate students in Argentina, Estonia, Finland and the United States. We continue discussing the ways in which the current cultural, political, historical and economic status and challenges in each country might explain the cross-cultural differences and similarities detected in students’ bullying experiences in higher education. peerReviewed

research product

School teachers bullied by their students: Teachers´ attributions and how they share their experiences

Abstract Previous studies suggest that many teachers worldwide are bullied by students. However, deeper understanding of teachers' bullying experiences; of their interpretations of the causes of bullying; and of how they cope with these experiences, is lacking. Using an Internet survey we examined the attributions made by Finnish elementary and lower secondary school teachers for their victimisation; the people with whom they share their experiences; and the links between these. Three kinds of attribution were identified: student-related, institution-related, and teacher-related. Selection of the persons with whom teachers shared their experiences was determined by the nature of the attribu…

research product

Trait anxiety, experience, and the public speaking state responses of Finnish university students

This study focuses on the public speaking state responses among 47 Finnish subjects. Cognitive, behavioral, and physiological components of stale‐responses were investigated in relation to speakers’ trait communication anxiety and amount of previous experience speaking in public. Trait communication anxiety was found to correlate significantly with the cognitive aspect of state response, whereas amount of previous experience was found to be reflected in subjects’ heart rates. Characteristics of the Finnish speech culture and educational system are discussed when interpreting the results.

research product

Arousal Styles during Public Speaking

The nature of the public-speaking context as a physiologically arousing communication context is well-known. During public speaking, a significant increase in heart rate level above the baseline has been found in various studies. In these studies, arousal styles during speaking have generally been described on the basis of mean heart rates among a group of participants. Individual variation in HR responses has not received much attention. The purpose of the present study was to examine individual differences in heart rate responses during public speaking and to account for these differences in terms of particular explanatory variables. The heart rate curves of 47 speakers were examined one …

research product

Bullying at school and in the workplace. A challenge for communication research.

In this chapter, previous literature concerning school bullying and workplace harassment will be reviewed from a communication perspective. The chapter details the seriousness and extensiveness of bullying, both among children at school and adults at work. We aim to provoke discussion of how communication research and theory might help us in understanding and explaining bullying. As will be elaborated, bullying appears in interaction situations, mostly in the forms of verbal and nonverbal communication, it exists in the interpersonal relationship of bully and victim, and it can be associated with group communication processes and the structuration of groups, as well as with organizational a…

research product

Peruskoulun opettajat oppilaidensa kiusaamina: kiusaamisen muodot, kohteena olevat opettajat ja kiusaavat oppilaat

Artikkelissa tarkastellaan oppilaiden opettajiin kohdistamaa kiusaamista. Tarkastelun kohteena ovat kiusaamisen suorat ja epäsuorat ilmenemismuodot. Tutkimme myös kiusaamista kokeneiden opettajien ja heitä kiusaavien oppilaiden ominaispiirteitä sekä opettajien ja oppilaiden välisiä suhteita. Tarkastelemme niin ikään opettajia kiusaavien oppilaiden käyttäytymistä omissa vertaissuhteissaan. Aineisto kerättiin internet-kyselynä peruskoulun opettajilta eri puolilta Suomea. Tarkastelemme tässä artikkelissa 70:n oppilaidensa taholta kiusaamista kokeneen opettajan vastauksia. Tulokset osoittavat, että opettajat olivat joutuneet oppilaiden monimuotoisen kiusaamisen kohteiksi. Kiusaamiseen käytettii…

research product

The use of interpersonal communication technologies to establish and maintain peer relationships

research product

Tohtoriopiskelija julkaisufoorumeilla: kokemuksia puheviestinnän väitöskirjaa tekevien artikkelipajasta

Artikkelissa esitellään tohtoriopiskelijoille järjestettyä artikkelipajaa. Sen tarkoituksena oli tarjota evästystä sekä väitöskirjaan sisältyvien artikkeleiden että post doc -julkaisujen suunnitteluun ja julkaisufoorumien tutkiskeluun. Taustalla oli kokemus siitä, että artikkeliväitöskirjan ohjausprosessi poikkeaa monin tavoin monografiaväitöskirjan ohjauksesta. Vaikka tohtoriopiskelija sopii ohjaajansa kanssa väitöskirjaan tulevista artikkeleista, voidaan julkaisemiseen liittyvää oppimista tukea yhteisesti järjestettävällä artikkelipajalla. nonPeerReviewed

research product

Teachers bullied by students: forms of bullying and perpetrator characteristics.

The focus of this study is on the forms in which the bullying of school teachers by students manifests itself, the characteristics of the students who engage in the bullying, and the manner in which the students who engage in bullying behave in their own peer relationships. The data was gathered from primary and lower secondary school teachers by means of an Internet survey. The answers of 70 teachers who had experienced bullying by their students are examined.The teachers had been exposed to different forms of bullying by students. They had typically been bullied by male students. In most cases, the bullying had been perpetrated by an individual student or a small group of students. Accord…

research product

Tackling bullying: Victimized by peers as a pupil, an effective intervener as a teacher?

Abstract The present study focuses on student teachers as a prospective special resource in the prevention of school bullying in the course of their future professional careers. Special attention is paid to the influence the respondents' own childhood experiences of bullying may have in this regard. To investigate this question, we assessed the respondents' estimations of the level of empathy they felt towards the victims of bullying, the degree of effort they made to prevent bullying, and their ability to identify it. Further, an attempt to assess the long-term consequences of bullying was made, using two different communicative indices: the willingness to communicate and self-perceived co…

research product

Miten minun lapseni kohtelee vertaisiaan? Vanhempien käsityksiä oppilaiden toiminnasta koulukiusaamistilanteissa

Toistaiseksi tiedetään varsin vähän siitä, millainen ymmärrys oppilaiden vanhemmilla on koulukiusaamisesta. Vanhemmat on huomioitu koulukiusaamista tarkastelevissa tutkimuksissa pääasiassa kartoitettaessa kenelle oppilaat kertovat kokemastaan kiusaamisesta. Ei kuitenkaan tiedetä, millainen käsitys vanhemmilla on oman lapsensa ja toisten oppilaiden toiminnasta kiusaamistilanteissa, ja millaisia osallisuuden muotoja vanhemmat tunnistavat koulukiusaamisprosesseissa. Sitäkään ei tiedetä, missä määrin vanhemmat tunnistavat oman lapsensa koulukiusaamisongelmia ja olettavatko he lapsensa kertovan heille, mikäli tätä kiusataan tai hän itse kiusaa toisia oppilaita. Tässä artikkelissa etsitään vastau…

research product

Kiusaamiskokemukset yhteisöön kiinnittymisen esteenä

Artikkeli perustuu Puheviestinnän päivillä 25.9.2009 pidettyyn plenum-esitelmään Kiusaamiskokemukset yhteisöön kiinnittymisen esteenä.

research product

Bullying at School and in the Workplace: A Challenge for Communication Research

In this chapter, previous literature concerning school bullying and workplace harassment is reviewed from a communication perspective. The chapter details the seriousness and extensiveness of bullying, among both children at school and adults at work. We intend to provoke discussion of how communication research and theory might help us in understanding and explaining bullying. As elaborated here, bullying appears in interaction situations, mostly in the forms of verbal and nonverbal communication; it exists in the interpersonal relationship of bully and victim, and it can be associated with group communication processes and the structuration of groups, as well as with organizational and cu…

research product

Do the roles of bully and victim remain stable from school to university? : theoretical considerations

This chapter explores the continuities in bullying from school contexts to university contexts, and discusses the possible reasons why some people remain in the role of bully or victim over time and through various social contexts, whereas others find a way to escape these roles. Two theories – peer community integration theory and positioning theory – are reviewed to examine: the ways in which engagement in bullying processes at school is associated with the development of individuals’ peer relationships and their position within the peer group; the impact of bullying on their perceptions of themselves and others; and how bullying affects the establishment of future peer relationships thro…

research product

Bullying and social anxiety experiences in university learning situations

This study examines how individuals’ engagement in bullying at school and at university relates to the anxiety they feel in general and in various learning situations in which students interact during their higher education. It was predicted that, of the individuals who have experiences of bullying (in the role of bully, victim, or in a dual role as bully-victim), those who have been subjected to bullying experience more anxiety than do those who have no experience with bullying. A nationally representative sample of Finnish university students (N = 5086) participated in the study by responding to survey questions assessing their experiences of (a) anxiety syndrome, (b) context-specific soc…

research product

Peruskoulun opettajat oppilaidensa kiusaamina : kiusaamisen muodot, kohteena olevat opettajat ja kiusaavat oppilaat

Artikkelissa tarkastellaan oppilaiden opettajiin kohdistamaa kiusaamista. Tarkastelun kohteena ovat kiusaamisen suorat ja epäsuorat ilmenemismuodot. Tutkimme myös kiusaamista kokeneiden opettajien ja heitä kiusaavien oppilaiden ominaispiirteitä sekä opettajien ja oppilaiden välisiä suhteita. Tarkastelemme niin ikään opettajia kiusaavien oppilaiden käyttäytymistä omissa vertaissuhteissaan. Aineisto kerättiin internet-kyselynä peruskoulun opettajilta eri puolilta Suomea. Tarkastelemme tässä artikkelissa 70:n oppilaidensa taholta kiusaamista kokeneen opettajan vastauksia. Tulokset osoittavat, että opettajat olivat joutuneet oppilaiden monimuotoisen kiusaamisen kohteiksi. Kiusaamiseen käytettii…

research product