Victor Christianto
A Cantorian Superfluid Vortex and the Quantization of Planetary Motion (Apeiron, vol.11, no.1, january 2004)
This article suggests a preliminary version of a Cantorian superfluid vortex hypothesis as a plausible model of nonlinear cosmology. Though some parts of the proposed theory resemble several elements of what have been proposed by Consoli (2000, 2002), Gibson (1999), Nottale (1996, 1997, 2001, 2002a), and Winterberg (2002b), it seems such a Cantorian superfluid vortex model instead of superfluid or vortex theory alone has never been proposed before. Implications of the proposed theory will be discussed subsequently, including prediction of some new outer planets in solar system beyond Pluto orbit. Therefore further observational data is recommended to falsify or verify these predictions. If …
Guide to Repent and Receive Jesus Christ (in several languages)
This Guide to Repent and Receive Jesus Christ is dedicated to new believers in Christianity, in order that they can follow some steps in ordered manner, and by doing so feel completely guided in their pursuit of happiness. The seven steps to receive Jesus Christ: R - Recognize that you are sinners E - writE your sins and mistake in a paper P - Pray in order you will be forgiven, and receive Jesus Christ E - be Ensured that Jesus come to your heart N - Never stop to learn and read the Bible T - Talk to other concerning what Jesus has done to your life T - Teach other to use and follow the same steps
Schrodinger equation and the quantization of celestial systems
In the present article, we argue that it is possible to generalize Schrodinger equation to describe quantization of celestial systems. While this hypothesis has been described by some authors, including Nottale, here we argue that such a macroquantization was formed by topological superfluid vortice. We also provide derivation of Schrodinger equation from Gross-Pitaevskii-Ginzburg equation, which supports this superfluid dynamics interpretation.
A derivation of Maxwell equations in quaternion space
Quaternion space and its respective Quaternion Relativity (it also may be called as Rotational Relativity) have been defined in a number of papers including [1], and this new theory is capable to describe relativistic motion in elegant and straightforward way. Nonetheless there are subsequent theoretical developments which remain an open question, for instance how to derive Maxwell equations in Q-space. The purpose of the present paper is to derive a consistent description of Maxwell equations in Q-space. First we consider a simplified method similar to the Feynman’s derivation of Maxwell equations from Lorentz force. And then we present another derivation method using Dirac decomposition, …
A New Wave Quantum Relativistic Equation from Quaternionic Representation of Maxwell-Dirac Isomorphism as an Alternative to Barut-Dirac Equation
It is known that Barut's equation could predict lepton and hadron mass with remarkable precision. Recently some authors have extended this equation, resulting in Barut-Dirac equation. In the present article we argue that it is possible to derive a new wave equation as alternative to Barut-Dirac's equation from the known exact correspondence (isomorphism) between Dirac equation and Maxwell electromagnetic equations via biquaternionic representation. Furthermore, in the present note we submit the viewpoint that it would be more conceivable if we interpret the vierbein of this equation in terms of superfluid velocity, which in turn brings us to the notion of topological electronic liquid. Some…
Kaluza-Klein-Carmeli Metric from Quaternion-Cliord Space, Lorentz’s Force, and Some Observables
It was known for quite long time that a quaternion space can be generalized to a Clifford space, and vice versa; but how to find its neat link with more convenient metric form in the General Relativity theory, has not been explored extensively. We begin with a representation of group with non-zero quaternions to derive closed FLRW metric [1], and from there obtains Carmeli metric, which can be extended further to become 5D and 6D metric (which we propose to call Kaluza-Klein-Carmeli metric). Thereafter we discuss some plausible implications of this metric, beyond describing a galaxy’s spiraling motion and redshift data as these have been done by Carmeli and Hartnett [4, 5, 6]. In subsequent…
On the origin of macroquantization in astrophysics and celestial motion (Annales de la Fondation Louis de Broglie, Volume 31, no 1, 2006)
Despite the use of Bohr radius formula to predict celestial quantization has led to numerous verified observations, the cosmological origin of this macroquantization remains an open question. In this article various plausible approaches are discussed. Further observation to verify or refute this proposition is recommended, in particular for exoplanets.
A note on astrometric data and time varying Sun-Earth distance in the light of Carmeli metric
In this note, we describe shortly time varying Sun-Earth distance in the light of Carmeli metric and compare the result with recent astrometric data. The graphical plot suggests that there should be linear-linear correspondence between Sun-planets distances and their time variation. Not only that, the prediction made here suggests that Carmeli metric can be the sought after framework in order to describe the astrometric anomaly pertaining to the time varying distance of the Sun-Earth distance, and furthermore there are expected time varying distance effect between the Sun and other planets as well.