Matteo D'angelo
A combined treatment regimen for desquamative gingivitis in patients with oral lichen planus
Background: Chronic desquamative gingivitis (DG) is a condition characterized by erythema, ulceration, and desquamation of the free and attached gingiva, usually expression of a district-systemic disease, such as oral lichen planus (OLP). Methods: A combined protocol of oral hygiene and topic corticosteroid therapy was applied in 30 patients with DG associated with OLP. Plaque index (PI) and bleeding on probing (BoP) were evaluated at baseline and after 3 months. Results: PI scoring was significantly lower after treatment in anterior, posterior, and all sites (P < 0.0001) as well as in vestibular and lingual ones (P < 0.0001 and P = 0.0001, respectively). BoP measures were found to be re…
Malattia parodontale:fattore di rischio per insorgenza delle cardiopatie.Protocollo di indagine e risultati preliminari di uno studio multicentrico
Clinical and Microbiologic Effects of Subgingival Controlled-Release Delivery of Chlorhexidine Chip in the Treatment of Periodontitis: A Multicenter Study
Background: The main therapeutic approach for periodontal diseases is mechanical treatment of root surfaces via scaling and root planing (SRP). Multicenter clinical trials have demonstrated that the adjunctive use of a chlorhexidine (CHX) chip is effective in improving clinical results compared to SRP alone. However, some recent studies failed to confirm these clinical results, and conflicting results were reported regarding the effects of the CHX chip on subgingival microflora. The aim of this study was to provide further data on the clinical and microbiologic effects of CHX chips when used as an adjunct to SRP. Methods: A total of 116 systemically healthy individuals with moderate to adva…
Proliferative verrucous vs conventional leukoplakia: no significantly increased risk of HPV infection
Proliferative verrucous leukoplakia (PVL) is a very aggressive form of oral leukoplakia (OL) with high morbidity and mortality rates, hypothesised to be linked to HPV infection. This study aimed to determine the presence of HPV DNA in PVL in comparison with OL, and in relation to social-demographical variables (age, gender, smoking and drinking habits) in an Italian multi-centric hospital-based study. The study group consisted of 58 cases of PVL and 90 cases of OL as controls (47 homogeneous (H) and 43 non-homogeneous (non-H) form), both recruited from four Italian cohorts. HPV DNA was identified in exfoliated mucosal cells by nested PCR (nPCR) with MY09/MY11 and GP5+/GP6+ primer pairs and …
HPV DNA in clinically different variants of oral leukoplakia and lichen planus
Abstract Objectives Our objectives were to determine the prevalence of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in oral leukoplakia (OL) and oral lichen planus (OLP) in comparison with that in healthy oral mucosa, also conditionally to age, gender, smoking, and drinking habits of patients, so as to investigate any possible association of HPV infection with a specific clinical variant of OL or OLP. Study design We did research on HPV DNA in 68 cases of OL (homogeneous form [H] in 45 cases and nonhomogeneous form [non-H] in 23 cases), and in 71 cases of OLP (nonatrophic/erosive form [non-AE] in 27 cases, atrophic/erosive form [AE] in 44 cases). HPV DNA was investigated in exfoliated oral mucosa c…
Periodontal medicine: ruolo della proteina C reattiva (C-RP) nella possibile associazione tra malattia parodontale e malattia cardiovascolare. Risultati preliminari di uno studio multicentrico.
Brushing of Oral Mucosa for Diagnosis of HPV Infection in Patients with Potentially Malignant and Malignant Oral Lesions
Introduction: Adequate brushing of oral mucosa is important for accurate human papillomavirus (HPV) detection in potentially malignant (oral leukoplakia [OL], oral lichen planus [OLP]) and malignant (oral squamous cell carcinoma [OSCC]) lesions. Since various factors may limit the adequacy of oral brushing and, consequently, the accuracy of HPV detection, modified sampling procedures should be evaluated for their effect on HPV frequency and/or types detected. Aim: To compare the HPV frequency in samples obtained by brushing the lesion site with the frequency in samples obtained by brushing an apparently normal adjacent site. The correlation between HPV frequency and keratinization of the si…
HPV infection in relation to OSCC histological grading and TNM stage. Evalutation by traditional statistics and fuzzy logic model
We aimed to evaluate if in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) there is a relationship between histological grading (HG), TNM clinical stage and HPV infection; and to study the performance of fuzzy logic compared to traditional statistics, in the analysis of HPV status and correlates of OSCC. In cross-sectional analysis, the study group comprised 63 patients (mean age 68.89 years (SD ± 11.78), range (32–93); males 28 (44.4%), females 35 (55.6%)) with OSCC histologically diagnosed. HPV-DNA was studied in exfoliated oral epithelial cells by nested PCR (MY09/MY11 and GP5+/GP6+ primers). Data were analysed in parallel by traditional statistics with multivariate analysis and a fuzzy logic (FL) t…
Low rate of oral human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in women screened for cervical HPV infection in Southern Italy: A cross-sectional study of 140 immunocompetent subjects.
Even though the natural history of cervical and oral human papillomavirus (HPV) infection has been investigated intensely, the possibility that HPV may infect both sites in the same subject is not well documented. This study investigated the frequency of concurrent oral and cervical HPV infection in southern Italian women, in the light of some selected socio-behavioral variables. One hundred forty women (mean age: 36 years), with known cervical HPV status, were analyzed for oral HPV. Age, smoking/drinking habits, clinical and socio-behavioral history were assessed by personal interviews. Oral mucosal cells were collected by oral brushing and HPV DNA was sought by the use of nested PCR ampli…
Efficacia di un collutorio contenente fluoruro amminico/fluoruro stannoso nel management della gengivite desquamativa: studio pilota
Obiettivi: L’utilizzo prolungato di un agente chimico antiplacca potrebbe essere utile nella gestione clinica dei pazienti affetti da lesioni gengivali desquamative (LGD), associate a patologie muco-cutanee autoimmuni. Scopo di questo studio pilota è stato quello di valutare l’efficacia di un collutorio contenente fluoruro amminico/fluoruro stannoso (ASF) (Meridol, GABA) in pazienti affetti da LGD e sottoposti a terapia parodontale di mantenimento (PST). Materiali e metodi: Sono stati selezionati ed inclusi nello studio 18 pazienti di razza caucasica (15:3, F:M) di età compresa tra 42 e 78 anni, aventi manifestazioni cliniche orali riconducibili a LGD. La diagnosi istopatologica effettuata …
La malattia parodontale necrotizzante:un aggiornamento
.Sco po di qu es to lavo ro è qu ello di pr esentare un aggio rnam ento su lla malatti aparodo nta le ne cro ti zza nt e (NPD). Attr averso laba nca dat i ME DLINE /Pu bMed, sono stati selezi onati i lav ori orig inali pubblicati in lingua inglese sull ’arg omento da gennaio 2002 a dicembre 2007. Altre fonti sono state seleziona te da i riferimenti bibliografici citati nei lavori consultati. La NPD è caratterizzata sul piano clinico da necrosi e ulcera zione del margine gengivale e della papilla interdentale, associat e ad alitosi, dolore, sanguinamento gengi vale spontaneo, malessere generale e talvolta febbre. La malattia è particolarmente diffusa nei paesi in via di sviluppo, ma può inso…
The effects of an amine fluoride/stannous fluoride and an antimicrobial host protein mouthrinse on supragingival plaque regrowth.
BACKGROUND: Chlorhexidine (CHX)-containing mouthrinses are recommended as adjuncts to mechanical oral hygiene. The problem associated with side effects, however, has stimulated the search for alternative antiplaque agents. The aim of this study was to investigate the plaque inhibitory effects of two mouthrinses containing amine fluoride/stannous fluoride (ASF) and antimicrobial host proteins (lactoperoxidase, lysozyme and lactoferrin; LLL), respectively. METHODS: The study was an observer-masked, randomized 4x4 Latin square cross-over design balanced for carryover effects, involving 12 healthy volunteers in a 4-day plaque regrowth model. A 0.12% CHX mouthrinse and a saline solution served a…
Antibiotic prophylaxis in dentistry and oral surgery: use and misuse
INTRODUCTION: Antibiotic prophylaxis (AP) still represents a common but often misused procedure in dental practice, thus aggravating the risk for antimicrobial resistance and adverse effects occurrence. AIMS AND METHODS: Our primary objective is to review the available scientific evidence regarding AP in dentistry both among healthy subjects and medically compromised patients. Additionally, the latest available guidelines provided by some of the most authoritative associations are here discussed. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: AP is advisable only in a small percentage of patients where a risk of severe infective complications (i.e. infective endocarditis and prosthetic joint infection, septicaem…
Plaque removal efficacy of power and manual toothbrushes: a comparative study
The aim of this study was to compare the plaque removal efficacy of a new oscillating/rotating/pulsating toothbrush [Oral-B® Professional Care® 8500 (PC 8500)] with two manual toothbrushes [Oral-B® CrossAction™ Vitalizer (CAV) and Oral-B® Indicator™ (IND), respectively]. The safety of the PC 8500 was also assessed. The study was a single-use, observer-masked, randomised 3×3 Latin square crossover design balanced for carryover effects. The enrolled subjects (n=66) refrained from brushing for 23–25 h before each clinical examination. Plaque scores were recorded before and after brushing with the allocated toothbrush using the Turesky et al. modification of the Quigley and Hein plaque index. T…
Ortopantomografia nel sospetto diagnostico di osteoporosi
The effects of antimicrobial sprays and mouthrinses on supragingival plaque regrowth: a comparative study.
BACKGROUND: Due to the side effects of chlorhexidine digluconate (CHX) mouthrinsing, a spray has been proposed as an alternative method of CHX delivery to the oral cavity. The aim of this study was to investigate the plaque inhibitory effects of CHX, cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC), and triclosan (TRN) delivered by sprays and mouthrinses. METHODS: The study was an observer-masked, randomized cross-over design balanced for carryover effects, involving 15 healthy volunteers in a 4-day plaque regrowth model. Products being tested (0.2% CHX, 0.12% CHX, 0.05% CPC, and 0.03% TRN) were used both as sprays and mouthrinses. A saline solution served as a negative control. On day 1, subjects received p…
Expression of cell cycle markers and human papillomavirus infection in oral squamous cell carcinoma: use of fuzzy neural networks.
Our aim was to evaluate in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) the relationship between some cell cycle markers and HPV infection, conditionally to age, gender and certain habits of patients, and to assess the ability of fuzzy neural networks (FNNs) in building up an adequate predictive model based on logic inference rules. Eighteen cases of OSCC were examined by immunohistochemistry for MIB-1, PCNA and survivin expression; presence of HPV DNA was investigated in exfoliated oral mucosa cells by nested PCR (nPCR, MY09-MY11/GP5-GP6), and HPV genotype was determined by direct DNA sequencing. Data were analyzed by traditional statistics (TS) and FNNs. HPV DNA was found in 9/18 OSCCs (50.0 %) wi…
Genotyping and antifungal susceptibility of human subgingival Candida albicans isolates.
Subgingival colonization by Candida albicans has been described in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected individuals, but subgingival isolates have scarcely been characterized, particularly with respect to genotype and antifungal susceptibility. A series of 29 subgingival strains of C. albicans isolated from nine HIV-infected individuals was typed by electrophoretic karyotyping and tested for susceptibility to fluconazole, itraconazole, the new investigational triazole posaconazole and amphotericin B. DNA typing showed genetic heterogeneity within subgingival isolates, as almost every individual harbored his/her own specific isolate. Genetic identity was usually demonstrated within or…
Indagine radiografica in Parodontologia
Il dispositivo oggetto del brevetto, una volta collocato sulla sella edentula, consente di : 1. Eseguire la mappatura del profilo osseo della sella edentula 2. Determinare, in rapporto alla posizione dello stesso dispositivo, l’asse vestibolo-linguale di fresatura ottimale per il sito implantare 3. Determinare, se necessario, la corretta angolazione dell’asse mesio-distale (in base ad un esame radiografico endorale), rispetto alla posizione dello stesso dispositivo 4. Posizionare sullo stesso dispositivo una dima chirurgica regolata (tramite un dispositivo extraorale) secondo gli assi vestibolo-linguale e mesio-distale precedentemente determinati. La mappatura del profilo osseo, la determin…
Malattia parodontale e malattia cardiovascolare: correlazione o semplice coincidenza? Revisione della letteratura
The present paper reviews relationship between chronic periodontitis and cardiovascular diseases. Original papers on this subject, published in English in the period between 2001 and the first semester 2006, were located in the MEDLINE/PubMed database. Additional studies were obtained by searching reference lists of previously published papers. Periodontal infection provides a chronic reservoir of inflammatory mediators and cytokines, lipopolysaccharide, which contribute to the formation of atheroma. Moreover, periodontal pathogens can penetrate the epithelial barrier of the periodontal tissues and reach the blood stream, carrying out a local atherogenic activity. Some studies indicated tha…
Treatment of prepubertal periodontitis. A case report and discussion.
Abstract This paper reports the treatment of prepubertal periodontitis in a 3–year-old girl with Papillon-Lefevre Syndrome. Initially, the patient was found to have a myeloperoxidase deficiency and microbiological tests have identified Bacteroides and Fusobacterium, in 60% and 25%, respectively of the total number of microbial flora cultivated. The initial treatment was extraction of all the primary teeth with grade 3 mobility, scaling, root planing and daily subgingival irrigation with a 0.2% solution of chlorhexidine. Several months before the eruption of the first permanent molars, the rest of the primary teeth were extracted. The patient was treated with daily subgingival irrigation of …
Proliferative verrucous vs conventional leukoplakia: no significant increased risk of HPV infection
No findings of dental defects in children treated with minocycline
Thanks to their broad antimicrobial spectrum, tetracyclines were found to be valuable for the treatment of many infections (10). Unfortunately, they irreversibly bind to calcifying tissues and are deposited along the incremental lines of dentine and enamel, causing defects and staining, from bright yellow to dark brown (3, 5, 8). According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, tetracyclines are not indicated for the treatment of common infections in children younger than 8 years of age. However, doxycycline (a tetracycline analogue) is recommended for treatment of Rocky Mountain spotted fever in children of any age (1). Minocycline has several advantages over other tetracyclines: it is bet…
“Proliferative verrucous vs conventional leukoplakia: no significantly increased risk of HPV infection” [Oral Oncology 40 (2004) 835–840]
a Department of Oral Sciences, University of Palermo, Via del Vespro 129, Palermo 90127, Italy b Department of Microbiology, University of Palermo, Via del Vespro 133, Palermo 90127, Italy c Department of Head and Neck Pathology, II University of Napoli Piazza Miraglia, 80100, Italy d Department of Biomedical sciences and Human Oncology, Section of Oral Medicine, School of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Turin, Corso Dogliotti, 14, Torino 10126, Italy e Department of Dentistry and Surgery, Pizza G. Cesare 11, Bari 70124, Italy
The Effects of an Essential Oil and an Amine Fluoride/Stannous Fluoride Mouthrinse on Supragingival Plaque Regrowth
Background: The side effects of chlorhexidine (CHX) have stimulated the search for alternative antiplaque agents such as amine fluoride/stannous fluoride (ASF) and essential oils (EO). The aim of the study was to investigate the plaqueinhibiting effects of two commercially available mouthrinses containing ASF and EO, respectively. Methods: The study was an observer-masked, randomized, 5 · 5 Latin square cross-over design, balanced for carryover effects, involving 15 volunteers in a 4-day plaque regrowth model. A 0.12% CHX rinse and a saline solution served as positive and negative controls, respectively. On day 1, subjects received professional prophylaxis, suspended oral hygiene measures, …
Periodontal status in postmenopausal women receiving hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
Sistemi di intelligenza artificiale e logica Fuzzy,moderni ausili per la Medicina orale
Effetti clinici e microbiologici di chips di clorexidina nel trattamento di parodontiti severe:Studio multicentrico
Aging and Oral Health: Effects in Hard and Soft Tissues
Changing demographics, including an increase in life expectancy and the growing numbers of elderly has recently focused attention on the need for geriatric dental care. Ageing affects oral tissues in addition to other parts of the human body, and oral health (including oral mucosa, lips, teeth and associated structures, and their functional activity) is an integral component of general health; indeed, oral disease can cause pain, difficulty in speaking, mastication, swallowing, maintaining a balanced diet, not to mention aesthetical considerations and facial alterations leading to anxiety and depression. The World Health Organization recommends the adoption of certain strategies for improvi…
Efficacia clinica e sicurezza dello spazzolino elettrico Oral-B Professional Care 8500
Effects of Citric Acid on Human Gingival Epithelium
Bisphosphonate-associated Osteonecrosis of the jaw: frequencies (82 cases) from the Western Sicily-Promab e ARNAS
HPV DNA and survivin expression in epithelial oral carcinogenesis: a relationship?
Abstract HPV has been thought to be involved in the development of several oral diseases, such as premalignant mucosal lesions and oral carcinoma. Survivin is a recently characterized IAP protein, which is abundantly expressed in most solid and haematological malignancies, but undetectable in normal adult tissues. Aim of this study was to investigate survivin expression and HPV presence in oral premalignant lesions and oral carcinoma. 47 samples of oral tissue including 11 squamous cell carcinomas (OSCC), 16 oral leukoplakias (OL) and 20 normal oral mucosa specimens, after investigation of HPV presence by nested PCR (consensus MY/GP primers) and viral genotype identification by direct seque…
The association between periodontal disease and cardiovascolar disesea.A narrative review
Effetto sulla formazione della placca batterica in vivo di collutori contenenti fluoruro amminico/fluoruro stannoso e oli essenziali
Occurrence of invading bacteria in radicular dentin of periodontally diseased teeth: Microbiological findings
Bacterial invasion in roots of periodontally diseased teeth, which has been recently documented using cultural and microscopic techniques, may be important in the pathogenesis of periodontal disease. The purpose of this investigation was to determine the occurrence and the species of invading bacteria in radicular dentin of periodontally diseased teeth. Samples were taken from the middle layer of radicular dentin of 26 periodontally diseased teeth. 14 healthy teeth were used as controls. Dentin samples were cultured anaerobically. The chosen methodology allowed the determination of the numbers of bacteria present in both deeper and outer part of dentinal tubules, and the bacterial concentra…