Di Fede O
Prevention and the treatment of oral mucositis: the efficacy of sodium bicarbonate vs other agents: a systematic review
Abstract Introduction Oral mucositis (OM) is a major side effect of cancer therapy, which is associated with significant symptoms, treatment delays and increased costs for the health system. It is an important component of the quality of life of cancer patients and, until now, there has been no gold standard regarding prevention or treatment of this pathology. Notwithstanding the paucity of treatment guidelines (due to limited evidence from high-quality, rigorous studies), sodium bicarbonate (SB) rinses are one of the most used agents for OM management. Objectives A systematic review (2000–2022) was performed in order to compare and examine different agents versus sodium bicarbonate (SB) in…
Oral dysphagia. An unique symptom for a wide spectrum of diseases
Dysphagia, defined as a difficulty in swallowing of fluids and/or solid foods, is one of the most frequent symptoms of esophageal, gastrointestinal, ear, nose and throat diseases. As such, it poses a diagnostic challenge and an interdisciplinary clinical problem. Of particular importance in diagnosis is to distinguish between esophageal and oropharyngeal dysphagia. Oropharyn-geal dysphagia is often associated with neuromuscular disorders and is treated with rehabilitative protocols, while esophageal dysphagia may be due to anatomical alterations and esophageal motility difficulties. While the former can be adequately treated with endoscopic or surgical therapy, the latter are currently trea…
L’osteonecrosi delle ossa mascellari (ONJ) farmaco-relata è stata de- finita nel capitolo I come “una reazione avversa farmaco-correlata, caratterizzata dalla progressiva distruzione e necrosi dell’osso man- dibolare e/o mascellare di soggetti esposti al trattamento con farmaci per cui sia accertato un aumentato rischio di malattia, in assenza di un pregresso trattamento radiante”1. Tale definizione sottolinea la consapevolezza di uno stato di allerta e di vigilanza sui fattori di ri- schio associati alla patologia, con la possibile progressiva inclusione di nuove popolazioni di soggetti potenzialmente a rischio, e in linea con la continua evoluzione delle conoscenze scientifiche in materia…
Demographic and behavioural profiles of patients with common oral mucosal lesions by a homogeneity analysis
Objective: The aim of this study is to assess the main oral mucosal lesions (OMLs) within a hospital base and to provide an anamnestic, diagnostic model based on homogeneity analysis of some variables. Methods: The demographic and behavioural data (i.e. gender, age, smoking status, alcohol consumption and therapeutic drug usage) of 1753 patients with at least one OML were considered. Multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) and multivariate tests of the simultaneous marginal homogeneity hypothesis (SMH) were used to analyse the evidence of any differences between the demographic and behavioural profiles relating to OMLs diagnoses. Statistical significance of P<0.05 was chosen. Results: With r…
Three-month interval after dental experimental treatment (surgical exodontia plus insufflation/injection ozone combined protocol) for prophylaxis of ONJ
Glandular odontogenic cyst: report of a new case with cytokeratin-19 expression
The glandular odontogenic cyst (GOC) was a rare jawbone cyst described in 1988 by Gardner et al.1 as a distinct entity. This lesion can involve either jaw, but the anterior region of the mandible was the most commonly affected area. Clinical and radiographic findings were not specific, and the diagnosis of GOC can be extremely difficult due to the rarity of this lesion. The cyst presented a wall constituted by fibrous connective tissue and was lined by a non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium of variable thickness. Large areas of the lining epithelium presented cylinder cells, sometimes ciliated. A variable amount of mucina was occasionally noted. Due to the strong similarities, thi…