M Midiri
Incidence of new foci of HCC in patients who underwent radiofrequency ablation of HCC
Trans-cranial Magnetic Resonance-guided Focused UltraSound (tcMRgFUS) system integrated with a 1.5T: an SNR study on DQA phantoms
Background: In recent years transcranial Magnetic Resonance-guided Focused Ultrasound Surgery (tcMRgFUS) treatments have been performed only using 3T units. Since following some internal analysis, planning images obtained using a 1.5T MRI’s body RF coil (as usually done with 3T systems) showed generally reasonable quality in terms of anatomy visualization and SNR but thermal images noise was above acceptable standard for treatments, a dedicated 2-channels head coil was developed (InSightec Ltd.) to ensure an adequate signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Hence, we present the imaging protocol and the technological methods successfully used with the world-first installation of a certified tcMRgFUS sy…
Peritumoral perfusion and proton spectroscopic MR imaging in the differentiation of gliomas and solitary metastases
Purpose: To asses the value of peritumoural perfusion-weighted and proton spectroscopic MR imaging in preoperative grading of gliomas and in differentiating between primary gliomas and solitary metastases. Methods and Materials: Ten low-grade gliomas, eight high-grade gliomas, and ten metastases were prospectively evaluated with MR imaging, dynamic susceptibility contrast-enhanced perfusion imaging, and single-voxel proton MR spectroscopy before surgical resection or stereotactic biopsy. Maximal rCBV values and maximal Cho/Cr ratios were calculated from peritumoural region surrounding the tumour. Tumour grade presumed with these values was compared to histopathologic grading. Differences in…
Cuore e grossi vasi (Studio con RM)
RM heart
Clinical indications for cardiac computed tomography. From the Working Group of the Cardiac Radiology Section of the Italian Society of Medical Radiology (SIRM).
"\"La tomografia computerizzata del cuore (CCT) è diventata uno strumento efficace in differenti contesti clinici. Lo sviluppo della tecnologia ha portato ad una progressiva espansione delle indicazioni con una concomitante riduzione della dose di radiazioni necessaria per l’esecuzione dell’indagine. Ancora oggi sono pochi i documenti delle maggiori società scientifiche internazionali che si esprimono sulle effettive modalità di utilizzo e sulle indicazioni cliniche della CCT; in particolare mancano delle linee guida complete. Questo documento rispecchia la visione del gruppo di lavoro della Sezione di Cardio-Radiologia della Società Italiana di Radiologia Medica in merito alle indicazioni …