Alberto Rosciglione
Mount Etna: dynamics of magma degassing and ascent towards the shallow levels of the feeding system
Elemental and isotope covariation of noble gases in olivines and pyroxenes from Etnean volcanics erupted during 2001-2005, and genetic relation with peripheral gas discharges. Implication for volcanic surveillance.
Evidence of Two-Component Iblean-Like Mantle From 2001-2006 Igneous Products of Mount Etna
Geochemical monitoring of some peripheral gas emissions at Mount Etna: insights on its plumbing system
Noble Gases Investigation on Etnean Volcanic Gases and on the Erupted Products During the 2001-2006 Period
Data acquired during the last 20 years of geochemical monitoring of volcanic gases lead us to better understand how volcanoes work. According to theoretical and experimental investigations, both the chemical and isotopic changes in sampled volcanic gases have been interpreted in terms of magma ascent using the models proposed by Nuccio & Paonita, (2001) and Caracausi et al. (2003). On the basis of numerical simulations of volatile degassing, we have been able to recognize episodes of magma migration from deeper reservoirs of Mount Etna to the shallower storage volume, until magma is erupted. The 3He/4He isotope ratios of gas emitted at the periphery of Mount Etna volcanic edifice exhibit sy…