Thomas Delompré

Saveur amère : de la molécule au comportement

La saveur amère permet aux mammifères d’éviter l’ingestion d’aliments poten-tiellement contaminés par des substances amères toxiques fréquemment retrouvées dans notre environnement. La détection de ces molécules aux structures chimiques diverses est réalisée par une famille de récepteurs appelés TAS2R. L’être humain est pourvu de 25 TAS2R aux spectres de reconnaissance plus ou moins larges pour détecter un grand nombre de molécules amères. Des tests fonctionnels in vitro ont été développés afin de détermi-ner le profil d’activation des TAS2R humains. De nombreuses molécules, d’origines natu-relles ou synthétiques ont pu être identifiées comme capable d’activer ces TAS2R. Ces tests fonctionn…

research product

Taste perception: from molecule to eating behaviour

The sense of taste has a role in human nutrition, it help to orient our food choices and avoid the ingestion of toxi compounds. Advances in molecular biology, cell biology an, biochemistry were used to identify and characterize the main taste receptors. The identification of these receptors allow a better understanding of the physiological processes tha govern taste perception. The presence of genetic polymorphisr in these receptors explains interindividual differences in tast perception.

research product

Function of odorant-binding proteins in the Drosophila melanogaster chemoreception

National audience; Function of odorant-binding proteins in the Drosophila [i]melanogaster[/i] chemoreception. 18. rencontre du Club de neurobiologie des invertébrés

research product

The bitter taste of vitamins is mediated by human TAS2R activation

Vitamins play an important role in maintaining normal physiologic and metabolic functions. Vitamins are known to generate bitterness, which may contribute to the off-taste of nutritional supplements. This negative sensation may decrease product acceptability and patient compliance. Few studies have examined taste thresholds and sensory sensing mechanisms at the origin of vitamin taste detection. To better understand vitamin bitterness perception, we combined human sensory analysis and taste receptor functional assays. We measured the aqueous taste detection threshold of four B vitamins using sensory difference tests. Challenging the 25 human bitter taste 2 receptors (TAS2Rs), we found that …

research product

Taste Perception of Nutrients Found in Nutritional Supplements: A Review

open access review pii: nu11092050.; International audience; Nutritional supplements are prescribed when one's nutritional status is not conducive to good health. These foodstuffs constitute concentrated sources of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and fatty acids. For nutritional supplements to be effective, patients must consume the amount that has been prescribed for the recommended period of time. Therefore, special attention must be given to the sensory attributes of these products. Indeed, the presence of active compounds can cause an off-taste or aftertaste. These negative sensations can lead to a reduction in the consumption of nutritional supplements and reduce the…

research product

Implication de l’OBP19b dans la perception gustative des acides aminés chez Drosophila melanogaster

National audience; La chimioperception est nécessaire à la détection des aliments nutritifs et à l’identification des composés toxiques, d’une niche écologique appropriée et des partenaires sexuels. Comme beaucoup d'autres insectes, la mouche du vinaigre, Drosophila melanogaster, possède des capacités chimiosensorielles performantes, la rendant très sensible en lui permettant de détecter et discriminer un large panel de substances chimiques. Chez la Drosophile, cette détection est réalisée par les systèmes chimiosensoriels gustatifs et olfactifs impliquant plusieurs familles de récepteurs. Les composés chimiques volatils et non volatils qui pénétrent les organes sensoriels (sensilles) doive…

research product

OBP19b is involved in the taste perception of amino acid in Drosophila melanogaster

Chemoperception plays a crucial role in the detection of nutritive food and avoidance of toxic compounds. It also allows animals to identify a suitable ecological niche and mating partners. As many other insects, Drosophila melanogaster possess a very sensitive chemosensory ability to detect and discriminate a wide panel of semiochemicals. Chemosensory detection is mostly mediated by olfactory and gustatory systems involving several multigene chemoreceptor families. Volatile and non-volatile chemicals compounds entering the sensory organ (sensillum) must be solubilized before being transported through the hydrophilic sensillum lymph bathing chemosensory receptors. Such “perireceptor events”…

research product

Bitter tasting of vitamins is mediated by the human TAS2R activation

International audience

research product

Optimized vector for functional expression of the human bitter taste receptor TAS2R14 in HEK293 cells

International audience

research product

Characterizing the Dynamic Taste and Retro-Nasal Aroma Properties of Oral Nutritional Supplements Using Temporal Dominance of Sensation and Temporal Check-All-That-Apply Methods

International audience; Orally Disintegrating Tablets (ODTs) are used to restore the nutritional status of people suffering from swallowing pathologies such as dysphagia. ODTs are consumed without water intake and are easily swallowed. The main active compounds of ODTs are vitamins and minerals. These nutrients can have a bad taste or aftertaste, which can be masked by sweetening or flavoring. To ensure the effectiveness of masking strategies and to prescribe a product to patients with acceptable sensory qualities, it is essential to perform a precise and complete sensory characterization of these ODTs. Temporal dominance of sensations (TDS) and temporal check-allthat- apply (TCATA) methods…

research product