Marie Tremblay-franco

Multi-omics profiling reveals that eating difficulties developed consecutively to artificial nutrition in the neonatal period are associated to specific saliva composition.

Prolonged enteral or parenteral nutrition in neonatal periods sometimes results in eating difficulties persisting for years, with reduced food intake through the oral route and thereby reduced stimulation of the oral cavity. Aiming at describing the consequences on oral physiology, saliva of 21 children with eating difficulties (ED) was compared to that of 23 healthy controls, using various omics and targeted methods. Overall, despite heterogeneity within the groups (age, medication etc.), the three spectral methods (MALDI-TOF, SELDI-TOF, (1)H NMR) allowed discriminating ED and controls, confirming that oral stimulation by food intake plays a role in shaping the composition of saliva. Saliv…

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Potential impact of pesticide exposures during pregnancy on the newborn’s metabolome

International audience

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Markers of oral fat sensitivity; a combined proteomics and metabolomics approach

Markers of oral fat sensitivity; a combined proteomics and metabolomics approach. 1. International symposium on profiling

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Effects of mastication on salivary metabolome

International audience

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Impact d’une exposition périnatale à de faibles doses de Bisphénol A (BPA) sur le métabolisme chez la souris CD1

National audience

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Is saliva composition related to oral fat sensitivity or exposure?

Parution prochaine de la présentation orale dans un livre; International audience; To characterize the taste of drinking waters, Teillet et al. (2010) used first a free sorting task and then defined the Polarized Sensory Positioning (PSP) technique as a substitute better suited to industrial constraints. They conclude that Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) is the main driver of water taste. Puget et al. (2010) found, based on triangular tests, that differences in mineral profiles can also generate taste differences. The research reported in this paper aims at assessing relative importance of TDS and mineral profile in water taste and at the same time comparing free sorting task, PSP and triangul…

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Children with eating disorders secondarily to artificial nutrition in the neonatal period have specific food preferences and saliva composition

- Objectives and studyIn the neonatal period, some severe digestive diseases require the cessation of oral feeding and the use of enteral or parenteral nutrition for prolonged periods. In some cases, this by-pass of the oral cavity during the early stages of feeding results in the development of so-called oral disorders (OD). Oral disorders may persist for years after healing of the causal disease, and are expressed for example by an exacerbated gag reflex, difficulties in chewing and swallowing and high food selectivity.The aim of this study were to describe the consequences on oral physiology of oral by-pass and enteral nutrition in a population of 21 children who suffered oral disorder (…

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Evidence for metabolic disruption in CD1 mice following exposure to low doses of bisphenol A (BPA)

International audience

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Metabolic disruption in male CD-1 mice perinatally exposed to low doses of Bisphenol A (BPA)

International audience

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Les expositions orales à un mélange de faibles doses de pesticides représentatif des usages bretons altèrent le métabolisme de rates gestantes exposées et de leur fœtus

National audience

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