Rhyolitic dykes of Paros Island, Cyclades
Abstract The discovery of rhyolitic dykes from the NE part of the island of Paros is described here for the first time. The dykes that can be mapped for a length of ca. 1.1 km are striking about 6° and 38° NE. The width reaches up to 11m maximum. The rhyolitic rocks are porphyric with a fine-grained matrix of mainly feldspar, quartz, some biotites and opaques. K-feldspar, biotite and plagioclase occur as phenocrysts, and mafic-intermediate enclaves are common. At the chilled margin in contact to the gneissic country rocks the dykes are vitric. There, the enclaves have been preserved from contact reaction with the melt and alteration effects and show primary igneous minerals such as clinopyr…