Beurteilung der entzündlichen Aktivität des M. Crohn mit der Hydro-MRT∗
PURPOSE: To assess the value of hydro-MRI in the assessment of the activity of Crohn's disease. MATERIALS AND METHODS: After an oral bowel opacification using 1000 ml of a 2.5% mannitol solution, axial and coronal breath-hold sequences (T2W HASTE +/- FS, contrast-enhanced T1W FLASH FS) were acquired in 63 patients with Crohn's disease at 1.0 T. The enhancement of the bowel wall was correlated with other MRI findings, with the Crohn's disease activity index (CDAI), and the C-reactive protein (CRP). RESULTS: In Crohn's disease, contrast enhancement of the affected bowel wall is markedly increased in comparison with the normal bowel wall (+80 +/- 23% vs. +43 +/- 11%; p = 8 x 10(-11)). Positive…