Juris Dzelme

Development of Household Income Towards Modern Welfare Economics in Latvia

Latvia in international comparisons is among the countries with rather low average income for households but rather high differences in income in households, especially in highest income households (richest quintile) characterised with significant indicators of variability in euro zone countries by Household and Consumption Survey conducted buy Bank of Latvia by methodology of European Central Bank in all eurozone countries and according EU- SILC (European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions) data. This current research is devoted to analysis of development of income and variability of income of households in Latvia in comparison with other OECD countries and eurozone countries…

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Some aspects for modern solutions for strengthening social resilience as guarantee for the future well-being of an open and inclusive society

Social inclusion and reduction of inequalities is becoming an increasingly topical problem in a range of OECD countries, due to the demographic structure of inhabitants and inequality of income, in many cases depending on labour contribution taking into account skills and competence often lacking for part of population gaining education many years ago. Big share of this part of the population currently is not able to keep the speed of technology development and increase of requirements for digital skills and internet use. The aim of the current research is to investigate possible solutions to address social inclusion by possible involvement in the labour market of different groups at risk –…

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Critical evaluation of the necessary changes of the interaction of employers, employees, local authorities, state and other stakeholders of the education system

Expansion of business creates globalization, which should be balanced by the localization and development of adequate changes in education. Aim of the paper is to find the ways to solve the social problems linked with the globalization. The review of the existing problems reveals many shortcomings of the classical “free market” theory. The increased speed of exchange of information demands special care to improve the accessibility and quality of education, using life-long learning and distance education. The appropriate attitudes, skills and knowledge should be proposed to support innovations, localization of economics and organization of interaction between employers, employees and other i…

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Expenses for Dwelling – Comparisons by Regions and Territories in Latvia


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Employers’ Needs and Expectations for Qualified Employees (Case Study on the Opinions in One of the Regions in Latvia)

Abstract Qualified, loyal and motivated employees are highly demanded by employers and business promoters. The paper deals with employers’ needs and expectations for qualified and loyal employees, and investigates cooperation of employers, educators and municipalities. The following methods were used: analysis of scientific publications; focus group discussions; surveys of employers, teaching staff, students and graduates of VEI. For survey data analysis descriptive statistical analysis, non-parametric statistical test of Kruskal-Wallis and factor analysis were applied. The main findings indicate that besides professional skills and competence, social competence, motivation to work and resp…

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Role of Education and Training on Income in Different Regions of Latvia

Latvia is often critisised by international institutions on rising gap for income differences in several social groups. This current research is devoted to analyse of role of education and training on income level. Research methods used: scientific publications and previous conducted research analysis, analysis of EU-SILC data on differences in income depending from education level, from regions and from territory (urban/rural), interviews of regional authorities on life-long training arrangements and applications in regions with lower income level. Data analysis methods: descriptive statistics (indicators of central tendency or location, indicators of variability), cross-tabulations of hou…

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Changing The Management Paradigm Of Education And Training For Improved Competitiveness

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Quality and Transparency in VET: New Challenges for Public Administrations in Latvia

Abstract The main problem discussed in the paper is the new challenges for public administration of vocational education and training (VET) due to innovations and globalization. Most of the attention in the paper is paid to the readiness of entrepreneurs jointly with municipalities to participate in the preparation of future qualified specialists. Co-operation among various educational establishments, the local government and the employers is crucial. A much neglected aspect still is the co-operation between VET and higher education (HE) institutions – which the authors see as a real driving force for the success of local partnerships to promote regional economic development with respective…

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Social Inclusion Challenges for Different Society Groups in Latvia

Latvia has been receiving critical remarks from international institutions in regard to high level of social inequality of various groups in the society. Statistical data indicate that the society of Latvia has to address serious challenges in social inclusion, including several aspects in health care. The aim of the paper is to propose possible solutions for social inclusion of different society groups, especially in relation to health care aspects and including application of life-long-learning for health care for several society groups. Research approach to the problem: analysis of data obtained in representative survey 9280 respondents: health condition self-evaluation analysis by regio…

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