Hermann Kaufmann
Methodology for the retrieval of vegetation chlorophyll fluorescence from space in the frame of the flex mission preparatory
FLEX (FLuorescence EXperiment) is a candidate mission for the European Space Agency (ESA) Earth Explorer program. The main objective of the mission is the measurement the chlorophyll fluorescence signal emitted by vegetation at the red and far-red spectral regions (roughly 630-770 nm). The current FLEX mission design includes different instruments intended to provide the appropriate characterization of those atmospheric and surface parameters necessary for the retrieval and interpretation of the fluorescence signal. The complete processing chain for the derivation of fluorescence and reflectance products from the radiance data acquired by the different instruments included in the FLEX paylo…
Scene-based spectral calibration assessment of high spectral resolution imaging spectrometers
An accurate knowledge of the spectral calibration of imaging spectrometers is required for optimum data processing and interpretation. The scene-based spectral characterization of imaging spectrometers is frequently necessary to update or replace the pre-flight laboratory-based spectral characterization supplied by the data provider. An automatic method for the estimation of spectral calibration parameters (channel position and bandwidth) at atmospheric absorption regions from high spectral resolution imaging spectrometers (spectral sampling interval below 5 nm) is presented in this contribution. The method has been tested on two commercial instruments with spectral sampling intervals below…