Correlation analysis of vibration modes in physical vapour deposited Bi 2 Se 3 thin films probed by the Raman mapping technique
In this work, the Raman spectroscopy mapping technique is used for the analysis of mechanical strain in Bi2Se3 thin films of various (3-400 nm) thicknesses synthesized by physical vapour deposition on amorphous quartz and single-layer graphene substrates. The evaluation of strain effects is based on the correlation analysis of in-plane (E2g) and out-of-plane (A21g) Raman mode positions. For Bi2Se3 films deposited on quartz, experimental datapoints are scattered along the line with a slope of similar to 0.85, related to the distribution of hydrostatic strain. In contrast to quartz/Bi2Se3 samples, for graphene/Bi2Se3 heterostructures with the same thicknesses, an additional negative slope of …