Di Bella S.
La circolazione culturale Nord-Sud. Il caso del rapporto tra filosofia italiana e tedesca
Italy and Germany have a long tradition of mutual influence and cultural exchange, both culturally and philosophically. "Philosophia Transalpina" shows transnational lines of reception in case studies and on the basis of selected philosophers and illustrates how useful an exchange of ideas between national philosophical cultures can be
L'attualismo e il suo autore. Prospettive per la ricerca futura su Gentile
This article describes the recent reception of Giovanni Gentile and his doctrine of actualism, describing the philosopher's rehabilitation as a major Italian thinker and actualism as a provocative account of socially situated consciousness. The discussion then turns to the future of Gentile studies, focusing on ways in which the ahistorical methods of analytic philosophy might help restore actualism and its author to their proper place in the philosophical canon.