Effect of methylparaben in Artemia franciscana.
In this study, the toxicity of methylparaben (MeP) an emerging contaminant, was analysed in the sexual species Artemia franciscana, due to its presence in coastal areas and marine saltworks in the Mediterranean region. The acute toxicity (24 h-LC50) of MeP in nauplii was tested and its chronic effect (9 days) evaluated by measuring survival and growth under two sublethal concentrations (0.0085 and 0.017 mg/L). Also, the effect on several key enzymes involved in: antioxidant defences (catalase (CAT) and gluthathion-S-transferase (GST)), neural activity (cholinesterase (ChE)) and xenobiotic biotransformation (carboxylesterase (CbE), was assessed after 48 h under sublethal exposure. The result…