A. Piccolo

Polymerization of humic substances catalyzed by iron and manganese porphirins

research product

Spettroscopia 31P-NMR per la caratterizzazione del fosforo nei suoli

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Analisi delle interazioni tra sostanze umiche e cationi metallici mediante CPMAS 13C NMR

research product

Distribution of a 13C-labelled hydrophobic tracer over humic fractions of different size and composition

research product

Discrimination of Phyllosticta Ilicina effectors by advanced HRMAS and CPMAS 13C-NMR techniques and electrolytes leakage assay (ELA)

research product

Caratterizzazione molecolare di frazioni lipidiche ottenute da acidi umici differenti mediante risonanza magnetica nucleare (NMR) e spettrometria di massa (MS)

research product

Carbohydrates and aggregation in lowland soils of Nigeria as influenced by organic input

research product

Applications of ARTIST for advanced telematics services

This paper describes how telematics, also known as Information and Communications Technology (ICT), integrates telecommunications and informatics technologies to send, receive and store information via telecommunication devices. The Intelligent Transport System (ITS) is the application of telematics to the transportation area so that it allows the provision of advanced services in the mobility area in order to reinforce the efficiency, safety and effectiveness of the transportation systems. More efforts have been carried out in recent years to support the spreading of ITS and many projects have been financed in the world and, in particular, in Europe. One of the most critical problems which…

research product