Bertotti G.
3D Architecture and Plio-Quaternary evolution of the Paola Basin: New insights to the Forearc of the Tyrrhenian-Ionian Subduction System
The 3D stratigraphic architecture and the Pliocene to Quaternary evolution of the Paola Basin (offshore western Calabria), a segment in the fore-arc of the Tyrrhenian-Ionian subduction system, are reconstructed by using a grid of unpublished of multi-channels, high-penetration, seismic-reflection profiles acquired in the frame of the project SINBUS, integrated by bathymetric data from EMODnet-Bathymetry portal. The Paola Basin is a NNW-SSE elongated, ~ 60 km long and ~20 km wide, slightly asymmetric syncline, which hosted Plio-Quaternary deposits up to 5.5 km thick in its depocenter. The Plio-Quaternary sequence shows an eastward progradational internal geometry that becomes sub-horizontal …
Active deformation in a sector of the Sicilian-Maghrebian Chain: new insights from integrated GNSS, structural high-resolution seismic reflection and seismological data
We document active deformation in a sector of the Sicilian Maghrebian Chain exposed in north Sicily and in its offshore prolongation on the basis of the integrated analysis of 1) time series of data collected by GNSS acquisition representing the change in the positions (X and Y) of permanent stations located in Palermo, Partinico, Prizzi, and Termini compared to the IGS station of Noto, 2) high-resolution (Sparker) single-channel reflection seismic data, 3) structural data, and 4) seismological data. The average values for the velocity vectors obtained for the Palermo, Partinico, Prizzi, and Termini Imerese stations are 4.55, 2.97, 2.96, and 2.15 mm/yr, respectively. The direction of the ve…