3D Architecture and Plio-Quaternary evolution of the Paola Basin: New insights to the Forearc of the Tyrrhenian-Ionian Subduction System
The 3D stratigraphic architecture and the Pliocene to Quaternary evolution of the Paola Basin (offshore western Calabria), a segment in the fore-arc of the Tyrrhenian-Ionian subduction system, are reconstructed by using a grid of unpublished of multi-channels, high-penetration, seismic-reflection profiles acquired in the frame of the project SINBUS, integrated by bathymetric data from EMODnet-Bathymetry portal. The Paola Basin is a NNW-SSE elongated, ~ 60 km long and ~20 km wide, slightly asymmetric syncline, which hosted Plio-Quaternary deposits up to 5.5 km thick in its depocenter. The Plio-Quaternary sequence shows an eastward progradational internal geometry that becomes sub-horizontal …