Mariella Bonomo
Topological ranks reveal functional knowledge encoded in biological networks: a comparative analysis
Abstract Motivation Biological networks topology yields important insights into biological function, occurrence of diseases and drug design. In the last few years, different types of topological measures have been introduced and applied to infer the biological relevance of network components/interactions, according to their position within the network structure. Although comparisons of such measures have been previously proposed, to what extent the topology per se may lead to the extraction of novel biological knowledge has never been critically examined nor formalized in the literature. Results We present a comparative analysis of nine outstanding topological measures, based on compact vie…
Prediction of Disease–lncRNA Associations via Machine Learning and Big Data Approaches
This chapter introduces long non-coding RNAs and their role in the occurrence and progress of diseases. The discovery of novel lncRNA-disease associations may provide valuable input to the understanding of disease mechanisms at the lncRNA level, as well as to the detection of biomarkers for disease diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, and prevention. Unfortunately, due to costs and time complexity, the number of possible disease-related lncRNAs verified by traditional biological experiments is very limited. Computational approaches for the prediction of potential disease-lncRNA associations can effectively decrease the time and cost of biological experiments. We first review the main computatio…
Knowledge Extraction from Biological and Social Graphs
Many problems from real life deal with the generation of enormous, varied, dynamic, and interconnected datasets coming from different and heterogeneous sources. Analysing large volumes of data makes it possible to generate new knowledge useful for making more informed decisions, in business and beyond. From personalising customer communication to streamlining production processes, via flow and emergency management, Big Data Analytics has an impact on all processes. The potential uses of Big Data go much further: two of the largest sources of data are including individual traders’ purchasing history, the use of Biological Networks for disease prediction or the reduction and study of Biologic…
Customer recommendation based on profile matching and customized campaigns in on-line social networks
We propose a general framework for the recommendation of possible customers (users) to advertisers (e.g., brands) based on the comparison between On-Line Social Network profiles. In particular, we associate suitable categories and subcategories to both user and brand profiles in the considered On-line Social Network. When categories involve posts and comments, the comparison is based on word embedding, and this allows to take into account the similarity between the topics of particular interest for a brand and the user preferences. Furthermore, user personal information, such as age, job or genre, are used for targeting specific advertising campaigns. Results on real Facebook dataset show t…
Identifying the k Best Targets for an Advertisement Campaign via Online Social Networks
We propose a novel approach for the recommendation of possible customers (users) to advertisers (e.g., brands) based on two main aspects: (i) the comparison between On-line Social Network profiles, and (ii) neighborhood analysis on the On-line Social Network. Profile matching between users and brands is considered based on bag-of-words representation of textual contents coming from the social media, and measures such as the Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency are used in order to characterize the importance of words in the comparison. The approach has been implemented relying on Big Data Technologies, allowing this way the efficient analysis of very large Online Social Networks. Resul…
Knowledge Extraction from Biological and Social Graphs
Many problems from the real life deal with the generation of enormous, varied, dynamic, and interconnected datasets coming from different and heterogeneous sources. This PhD Thesis focuses on the proposal of novel knowledge extraction techniques from graphs, mainly based on Big Data methodologies. Two application contexts are considered: Biological and Medical data, with the final aim of identifying biomarkers for diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, and prevention of diseases. Social data, for the optimization of advertising campaigns, the comparison of user profiles, and neighborhood analysis.
Prediction of lncRNA-Disease Associations from Tripartite Graphs
The discovery of novel lncRNA-disease associations may provide valuable input to the understanding of disease mechanisms at lncRNA level, as well as to the detection of biomarkers for disease diagnosis, treatment, prognosis and prevention. Unfortunately, due to costs and time complexity, the number of possible disease-related lncRNAs verified by traditional biological experiments is very limited. Computational approaches for the prediction of potential disease-lncRNA associations can effectively decrease time and cost of biological experiments. We propose an approach for the prediction of lncRNA-disease associations based on neighborhood analysis performed on a tripartite graph, built upon …