Ritva S. Taipale
Acute Endocrine and Force Responses and Long-Term Adaptations to Same-Session Combined Strength and Endurance Training in Women
This study examined acute hormone and force responses and strength and endurance performance and muscle hypertrophy before and after 24 weeks of same-session combined strength and endurance training in previously untrained women. Subjects were assigned 1 of 2 training orders: endurance preceding strength (E + S, n = 15) or vice versa (S + E, n = 14). Acute force and hormone responses to a combined loading (continuous cycling and a leg press protocol in the assigned order) were measured. Additionally, leg press 1 repetition maximum (1RM), maximal workload during cycling (Wmax), and muscle cross-sectional area (CSA) were assessed. Loading-induced decreases in force were significant (p < 0.01–…
Combined strength and endurance session order: differences in force production and oxygen uptake.
Purpose:To examine acute responses of force production and oxygen uptake to combined strength (S) and endurance-running (E) loading sessions in which the order of exercises is reversed (ES vs SE).Methods:This crossover study design included recreationally endurance-trained men and women (age 21−45 y; n = 12 men, 10 women) who performed ES and SE loadings. Force production of the lower extremities including countermovement-jump height (CMJ) and maximal isometric strength (MVC) was measured pre-, mid-, and post-ES and -SE, and ground-reaction forces, ground-reaction times, and running economy were measured during E.Results:A significant decrease in CMJ was observed after combined ES and SE in…
Do Running and Strength Exercises Reduce Daily Muscle Inactivity Time?
Understanding how a specific exercise changes daily activity patterns is important when designing physical activity interventions. We examined the effects of strength and interval running exercise sessions on daily activity patterns using recordings of quadriceps and hamstring muscle electromyographic (EMG) activity and inactivity. Five male and five female subjects taking part in a 10-week training programme containing both strength and interval running training sessions were measured for daily muscle EMG activities during three days: on a strength day, an interval running day, and a day without exercise. EMG was measured using textile electrodes embedded into sport shorts that were worn 9…
Neuromuscular and hormonal responses to constant and variable resistance loadings.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the acute effects of constant and variable resistance exercise on neuromuscular and endocrine responses during maximal strength and hypertrophic loadings. Methods: Thirteen young men (age = 28.4 ± 3.7 yr) took part in four loadings (maximal strength and hypertrophic loadings using both constant and variable resistance) in a counterbalanced order. Maximal strength loadings consisted of 15 sets of one repetition at 100% one-repetition maximum, and hypertrophic loadings consisted of five sets of 10 repetitions (initial load of 80% one-repetition maximum). Preloading, immediately postloading, 15 min postloading, and 30 min postloading tests …
Changes in inflammation markers after a 10-week high-intensity combined strength and endurance training block in women: The effect of hormonal contraceptive use
Abstract Objectives The influence of hormonal contraceptives (HC) on inflammation and body composition after high-intensity combined strength and endurance training was investigated. Design Active healthy women formed two training groups: HC users (HCU, n = 9) and those who had never used HC (NHC, n = 9). Training included two strength training sessions and two high-intensity interval training sessions per week for 10 weeks. Methods Before (PRE) and after (POST) the training intervention, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and interleukin-1beta (IL-1β) concentrations were measured. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry was use…
PGC-1 isoforms and their target genes are expressed differently in human skeletal muscle following resistance and endurance exercise
The primary aim of the present study was to investigate the acute gene expression responses of PGC-1 isoforms and PGC-1a target genes related to mitochondrial biogenesis (cytochrome C), angiogenesis (VEGF-A), and muscle hypertrophy (myostatin), after a resistance or endurance exercise bout. In addition, the study aimed to elucidate whether the expression changes of studied transcripts were linked to phosphorylation of AMPK and MAPK p38. Nineteen physically active men were divided into resistance exercise (RE, n = 11) and endurance exercise (EE, n = 8) groups. RE group performed leg press exercise (10 9 10 RM, 50 min) and EE walked on a treadmill (~80% HRmax, 50 min). Muscle biopsies were ob…
Strength training in endurance runners.
This study examined effects of periodized maximal versus explosive strength training and reduced strength training, combined with endurance training, on neuromuscular and endurance performance in recreational endurance runners. Subjects first completed 6 weeks of preparatory strength training. Then, groups of maximal strength (MAX, n=11), explosive strength (EXP, n=10) and circuit training (C, n=7) completed an 8-week strength training intervention, followed by 14 weeks of reduced strength training. Maximal strength (1RM) and muscle activation (EMG) of leg extensors, countermovement jump (CMJ), maximal oxygen uptake (VO(2MAX)), velocity at VO(2MAX) (vVO(2MAX)) running economy (RE) and basal…
A 10-Week Block of Combined High-Intensity Endurance and Strength Training Produced Similar Changes in Dynamic Strength, Body Composition, and Serum Hormones in Women and Men
Purpose: To examine the potential sex differences in adaptations to combined endurance and strength training in recreationally endurance trained (eumenorrheic) women (n = 9) and men (n = 10). Methods: Isometric (ISOMmax) and dynamic bilateral leg press (1RM), countermovement jump (CMJ), running performance (3,000 m time trial), lean mass and body fat % (LEAN and FAT% determined by dual X-ray absorptiometry) as well as serum testosterone and cortisol (TES and COR, respectively, measured using hormone-specific immunoassay kits) were examined before a control period and pre, mid, and post a supervised 10-week combined high-intensity interval endurance training (4 × 4 min intervals and 3 × 3 × …
Cold-water immersion combined with active recovery is equally as effective as active recovery during 10 weeks of high-intensity combined strength and endurance training in men
Summary Study aim: The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of cold-water immersion (CWI) vs. active recovery performed after each individual strength and endurance training session over a 10-week period of high-intensity combined strength and endurance training. Materials and methods: Seventeen healthy men completed 10 weeks of high-intensity combined strength and endurance training. One group (AR, n = 10) completed active recovery that included 15 minutes of running at 30–40% VO2max after every strength training session while the other group (CWI, n = 7) completed 5 minutes of active recovery (at the same intensity as the AR group) followed by 10 minutes of cold-water (12 ± 1°…
Acute Neuromuscular and Endocrine Responses and Recovery to Single-Session Combined Endurance and Strength Loadings
The purpose of this study was to investigate acute neuromuscular and endocrine responses and recovery to a single session of combined endurance and strength loading using 2 loading orders. Forty-two men were demographically matched to perform a single session of combined endurance + strength (E + S) or strength + endurance (S + E) loading. The strength loading was conducted on a leg press and included sets of power, maximal strength, and hypertrophic loads with an overall duration of 30 minutes. The endurance loading was conducted on a bike ergometer and performed by continuous cycling over 30 minutes at 65% of subject's individual maximal watts. Both loading conditions led to significant a…
Microdialysis-Assessed Exercised Muscle Reveals Localized and Differential IGFBP Responses to Unilateral Stretch Shortening Cycle Exercise
Microdialysis allows for a preview into local muscle metabolism and can provide physiological insight that blood measurements cannot. Purpose: To examine the potential differential IGF-I system regulation in interstitial fluid during unilateral stretch shortening cycle exercise. Methods: 10 men (26 ± 7 year) performed unilateral jumping [stretch shortening cycle (SSC) exercise at 50% of optimal jump height] until volitional fatigue on a sled apparatus. Biological sampling took place using a catheter inserted into an antecubital vein (serum), and 100 kDa microdialysis probes inserted into the thigh muscle of each exercise/control leg (dialysate). Serum was drawn before (Pre; −3 h) and after …
Active recovery shows favorable IGF-I and IGF binding protein responses following heavy resistance exercise compared to passive recovery
IGF-I and IGFBPs have important physiological modulatory effects and this study sought to examine the influence of active vs. passive recovery following a heavy resistance exercise on IGF-I and IGF binding protein (IGFBP) recovery responses. It was hypothesized that increased IGF-I and decreased inhibitory IGFBPs during active recovery may be reflective of cascades promoting physiological recovery. 18 untrained men ((AR n = 7, PR n = 11), age: 26 ± 4 years, height: 174 ± 8 cm, body mass: 75 ± 13 kg) performed either a protocol-specific 10 × 10 × 30% 1RM active (AR) or passive recovery (PR) session following a heavy resistance exercise session performed on a leg press device (10 × 10 1RM). M…
Inflammation status of healthy young men: initial and specific responses to resistance training
Our primary aim was to study the effects of a 4-week preparatory resistance-training (RT) period followed by 12 weeks of 2 specific RT protocols (either hypertrophic-strength (HS) or strength-hypertrophy-power training) on inflammation markers and the possible relationship of the changes in abdominal fat and lean mass to the changes in inflammation status. A total of 82 healthy men were included in the study. Maximal concentric leg press strength (1-repetition maximum), total body lean mass, total body and abdominal fat mass, circulating high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, interleukin-6, interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra), monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1), and selected a…
Acute neuromuscular and metabolic responses to combined strength and endurance loadings: the "order effect" in recreationally endurance trained runners.
The study examined the acute neuromuscular and metabolic responses and recovery (24 and 48 h) to combined strength and endurance sessions (SEs). Recreationally endurance trained men (n = 12) and women (n = 10) performed: endurance running followed immediately by a strength loading (combined endurance and strength session (ES)) and the reverse order (SE). Maximal strength (MVC), countermovement jump height (CMJ), and creatine kinase activity were measured pre-, mid-, post-loading and at 24 and 48 h of recovery. MVC and CMJ were decreased (P0.05) at post-ES and SE sessions in men. Only MVC decreased in ES and SE women (P0.05). During recovery, no order differences in MVC were observed between…
Hormonal Contraceptive Use Does Not Affect Strength, Endurance, or Body Composition Adaptations to Combined Strength and Endurance Training in Women
Myllyaho, MM, Ihalainen, JK, Hackney, AC, Valtonen, M, Nummela, A, Vaara, E, Häkkinen, K, Kyröläinen, H, and Taipale, RS. Hormonal contraceptive use does not affect strength, endurance, or body composition adaptations to combined strength and endurance training in women. J Strength Cond Res 35(2): 449-457, 2021-This study examined the effects of a 10-week period of high-intensity combined strength and endurance training on strength, endurance, body composition, and serum hormone concentrations in physically active women using hormonal contraceptives (HCs, n = 9) compared with those who had never used hormonal contraceptives (NHCs, n = 9). Training consisted of 2 strength training sessions a…
Effect of resistance training regimens on treadmill running and neuromuscular performance in recreational endurance runners.
The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of heavy resistance, explosive resistance, and muscle endurance training on neuromuscular, endurance, and high-intensity running performance in recreational endurance runners. Twenty-seven male runners were divided into one of three groups: heavy resistance, explosive resistance or muscle endurance training. After 6 weeks of preparatory training, the groups underwent an 8-week resistance training programme as a supplement to endurance training. Before and after the 8-week training period, maximal strength (one-repetition maximum), electromyographic activity of the leg extensors, countermovement jump height, maximal speed in the maximal ana…
Acute Hormonal and Force Responses to Combined Strength and Endurance Loadings in Men and Women: The “Order Effect”
Purpose To examine acute responses and recovery of serum hormones and muscle force following combined strength (S) and endurance (E) loading sessions in which the order of exercises is reversed (ES vs. SE). Methods This cross-over study design included recreationally endurance trained men and women (age 21–45 years, n = 12 men n = 10 women) who performed both loadings. Maximal bilateral isometric strength (MVC), isometric rate of force development (RFD) and serum concentrations of testosterone (T), cortisol (C), growth hormone (GH), insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), binding protein 3 (IGFBP3) and sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) were measured during and after both loadings. Results B…