Electric Vehicle Battery Module Dismantling "Analysis and Evaluation of Robotic Dismantling Techniques for Irre- versible Fasteners, including Object Detection of Components."
This thesis examines a study of The Litium-Ion Battery (LIB) from a electric vehicle, and it’s recycling processes. A Battery Module (BM) from the LIB is shredded when considered an End-Of-Life product, and motivates for automated dismantling concepts to separate the components to save raw materials. From State-of-the-art (SoA) research projects and background theory, automatic module dis- mantling concepts have been evaluated for a Volkswagen E-Golf 2019 battery module. The presence of irreversible fasteners make the use off destructive dismantling techniques neces- sary. This study evaluates two different concepts to disconnect laser welds holding together the compressive plates made of s…