S. Fantoni
Excitation spectra of a He-3 impurity on He-4 clusters
The diffusion Monte Carlo technique is used to calculate and analyze the excitation spectrum of a single 3He atom bound to a cluster with N 4He atoms, with the aim of establishing the most adequate filling ordering of single-fermion orbits to the mixed clusters with a large number of 3He atoms. The resulting ordering looks like the rotational spectrum of a diatomic molecule, being classified only by the angular momentum of the level, although vibrational-like excitations appear at higher energies for sufficiently large N.
The spectra of mixed $^3$He-$^4$He droplets
The diffusion Monte Carlo technique is used to calculate and analyze the excitation spectrum of $^3$He atoms bound to a cluster of $^4$He atoms, by using a previously determined optimum filling of single-fermion orbits with well defined orbital angular momentum $L$, spin $S$ and parity quantum numbers. The study concentrates on the energies and shapes of the three kinds of states for which the fermionic part of the wave function is a single Slater determinant: maximum $L$ or maximum $S$ states within a given orbit, and fully polarized clusters. The picture that emerges is that of systems with strong shell effects whose binding and excitation energies are essentially determined over configur…