J. L. Lizan
Evaluation of Gallium Nitride Transistors in Electronic Power Conditioners for TWTAs
The aim of this paper is to evaluate the benefits of replacing Si Mosfets transistors with enhancement mode GaN transistors in a Half-Bridge Zero Voltage and Zero Current Switching Power Switching Converter (ZVZCPS). This converter is usually used as power supply of the travelling-wave tube amplifiers (TWTAs) in aerospace applications. In this paper, firstly the converter is theoretically analyzed, obtaining its operation, losses and efficiency equations, these equations are used to obtain optimizations maps based on the main system parameters. In this way, the ideal design parameters can be visually obtained. These optimization maps are the key to quantify the potential benefits of GaN tra…
Hydrogen back-up power system with photovoltaic direct energy transfer regulation and interleaved boost for space applicattions
This work details a power conditioning unit for photovoltaic/hydrogen based energy systems in space applications. The power conversion techniques applied are similar to the ones used on photovoltaic/battery space power systems. A direct energy transfer photovoltaic regulator is devised for feeding two outputs; the first output corresponds to the main unregulated battery bus and the second output sets a power path to feed an electrolyser. A modular fuel cell converter completes the system and operates when photovoltaic energy is not available or load demand exceeds the generated photovoltaic power, providing electrical power from a fuel cell. An ancillary battery, located in the main bus, di…
Benefits and Drawbacks of A High Frequency Gan Zvzcps Converter
This paper presents the benefits and drawbacks of replacing the traditional Si Mosfets transistors with enhancement mode GaN transistors in a Half-Bridge Zero Voltage and Zero Current Switching Power Switching (ZVZCPS) converter. This type of converters is usually used as Electronic Power Converters (EPC) for telecommunication satellites travelling-wave tube amplifiers (TWTAs). In this study, firstly the converter is theoretically analysed, obtaining its operation, losses and efficiency equations. From these equations, optimizations maps based on the main system parameters are obtained. These optimization maps are the key to quantify the potential benefits of GaN transistors in this type of…