Mike Martin
Das modulare Gedächtnistraining für ältere Erwachsene: Konzeption und Erprobung
Es wird eine umfassende, modular aufgebaute Konzeption fur ein alltagsrelevantes Training kognitiver Fahigkeiten vorgestellt, die die Ausgangsleistung und Bedurfnisse der Trainierten berucksichtigt, okonomisch in der Durchfuhrung ist sowie eine Evaluierung der Wirksamkeit einzelner Trainingselemente erlaubt. Die vorgestellte Umsetzung und Erprobung des Konzepts weist auf die Bedeutung der Alltagsnahe von Trainingsinhalten hin und belegt Unterschiede in der Wirksamkeit der Trainingselemente in Abhangigkeit von der Ausgangsleistung der Teilnehmer und der trainierten Domane. Die Ergebnisse untermauern die Moglichkeit, durch die Definition von Subpopulationen normaler alterer Erwachsener und ei…
Developmental changes in the microgenesis of face perception revealed by effects of context and inversion
AbstractPresent studies on the development of face perception mechanisms are ambiguous about the question of whether holistic face vision arises early, or in the second decade of life (Crookes & McKone, 2009). Measuring the time course of face matching we assess effects of context and inversion as correlates of holistic processing in the microgenesis of face perception within the first 650ms, and compare among 8- to 10-year-old children and adults. Results for adults indicate dominance of holistic viewing at brief timings, which is gradually replaced by feature selective strategies enabling them to selectively attend either internal or external features, as demanded by instruction. For chil…
The role of verbal ability in the processing of complex verbal information.
This study investigated the relation between psychometric mental-ability test scores and several reaction-time measures; a simple-reaction task, a choice-reaction task, the Posner and Mitchell (1967) letter-identification task, and a variation of the sentence-verification task. Scores on the Raven Advanced Progressive Matrices and the Verbal Subtest of the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SATV) were obtained. The less complex information-processing tasks replicate earlier studies in which general intelligence was only marginally related to reaction-time measures. The sentence-verification task systematically varied task complexity. Several direct and derived measures from the task were significant…
Attention and Planning in Older Adults
In a study with 48 adults between 65 and 97 years of age, we examined the influence of working memory, inhibitory efficiency, and attentional flexibility on the ability to solve efficiently a complex planning task: 26 of the subjects were living independently in their own home, and 22 subjects were recruited from nursing homes. Subjects first participated in a number of cognitive ability tests. They then had to plan a trip for a group of 20 people. The results indicate that inhibitory efficiency combined with the flexible use of attentional resources can account for substantial amounts of variance in the planning task. The results support the view that chronological age does not necessaril…