Naeem H. Syed
Development of retrotransposon-based SSAP molecular marker system for study of genetic diversity in sea holly (Eryngium maritimum L.)
Eryngium maritimum L. is a wild plant species threatened or endangered in most of Northern Europe, where species is on the northern margin of its distribution range. Recent studies have found reduction of size and even extinction of many populations. Assessment of genetic diversity in natural populations of endangered wild plant species can reflect condition and fitness of particular population and inform decisions on appropriate conservation measures. Application of inter simple sequence repeat markers and chloroplast DNA sequencing could not resolve genetic relationship between E. maritimum populations in Northern Europe. Therefore, the more sensitive retrotransposon-sequence-specific amp…
Genetic Diversity and Structure of Northern Populations of the Declining Coastal Plant Eryngium maritimum
Abstract Genetic diversity among 13 northern populations of the declining coastal plant Eryngium maritimum L. at the northernmost extent of the species distribution range was studied using retro-transposon-based SSAP molecular markers. Diversity indices varied extensively among populations; some showing extremely low diversity whereas other populations exhibited moderate amounts of genetic variation. Differentiation among populations was highly variable as well. Interestingly, differentiation among northern populations was not influenced strongly by geographic distance. Closely situated populations were often more divergent than more distant populations suggesting other factors may be respo…