A. V. Syuy
Kinetics of Photorefractive Light Scattering in Stoichiometric LiNbO3Single Crystals Grown from Melt Containing 58.6 Mole% of Li2O
A study of kinetics of photo-refractive light scattering in ostensibly pure stoichiometric LiNbO3 (Li/Nb = 1) single crystal grown from melt containing 58.6 mole% Li2O excited by laser radiation of 0.53 μm is reported. Asymmetry of the distribution of scattered light intensity is revealed and found to be a linear function of the intensity of the exciting radiation in the 35–160 mW range. Due to heating of the crystal, at farther increase of the radiation intensity the distribution of scattered light contracts.
Storage of information in lithium niobate single crystals
Reported studies of recording information were made with a number of LiNbO 3 compositions: stoichiometric and congruent single crystals. The present study shows that recording is possible in pure LiNbO 3 single crystals and in single crystals containing inactive cation dopants. Recording in stoichiometric crystals is likely possible because of a considerable amount of electrons localised in shallow traps. Absence of recorded information in pure congruent crystals were observed.
Kinetics of Photorefractive Light Scattering in LiNbO3:Cu and LiNbO3:Zn Single Crystals
Results of studies of the kinetics of photorefractive light scattering (PRLS) in optically nonlinear congruent single crystals of lithium niobate (LiNbO3, Li/Nb = 0.946) containing multivalent cation admixtures of Cu [0.015 mass %] (“photorefractive”) and Zn [0.5 mass %] (“non-photorefractive”) are reported. The shape of the PRLS indicatrix is found to be different in case of Cu and Zn admixtures. However, the angular widening of the indicatrix in both cases reaches its stationary value faster at higher laser radiation intensities. The PRLS is found to depend on the site of the ingot from which the samples are cut – an evidence of non-uniform distribution of defects with localised electrons…