Combined spike-related functional MRI and multiple source analysis in the non-invasive spike localization of benign rolandic epilepsy.
Abstract Objective To localize the irritative zone in children by combined spike-related fMRI and EEG multiple source analysis (MSA) in children with benign rolandic epilepsy. Methods Interictal spikes were averaged and localized using MSA, and source locations were displayed in the anatomical 3D-MRI in 11 patients (5–12 yrs, median 10). Interictal spikes were additionally recorded during the fMRI acquisition (EEG-fMRI), and the fMRI sequences were correlated off-line with the EEG spikes. Results MSA revealed an initial central dipole in all patients, including the face or hand area. A second dipolar source was mostly consistent with propagated activity. BOLD activations from EEG-fMRI, cons…