Sergey M. Aksenov
Ferro-pedrizite, NaLi2(Fe2+ 2Al2Li)Si8O22(OH)2, a new amphibole-supergroup mineral from the Sutlug pegmatite, Tyva Republic, Russia
Ferro-pedrizite, a new amphibole-supergroup mineral was discovered in the Sutlug pegmatite occurrence situated in the Targi River Basin, Tyva Republic, Eastern Sibera, Russia. The associated minerals are quartz, albite, microcline, spodumene, cassiterite, beryl, columbite-(Mn), fergusonite-β-(Y), fluorapatite, schorl, trilithionite and fluorite. Ferro-pedrizite forms dark grey-blue to violet-blue acicular and long prismatic crystals up to 2 × 5 × 50 mm and their aggregates. D meas = 3.16(1) g/cm3 (by hydrostatic weighing), 3.13(1) g/cm3 (by flotation in heavy liquids); D calc = 3.135 g/cm3. Ferro-pedrizite is optically biaxial (−), α = 1.614(3), β = 1.638(3), γ = 1.653(3), 2 V meas = 75(5)°…
Towards a revisitation of vesuvianite-group nomenclature: the crystal structure of Ti-rich vesuvianite from Alchuri, Shigar Valley
Vesuvianite containing 5.85 wt% TiO2from an Alpine-cleft-type assemblage outcropped near Alchuri, Shigar Valley, Northern Areas, has been investigated by means of electron microprobe analyses, gas-chromatographic analysis of H2O, X-ray powder diffraction, single-crystal X-ray structure refinement,27Al NMR,57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy, IR spectroscopy and optical measurements. Tetragonal unit-cell parameters are:a= 15.5326 (2),c= 11.8040 (2) Å, space groupP4/nnc. The structure was refined to finalR1= 0.031,wR2= 0.057 for 11247I> 2σ(I). A general crystal-chemical formula of studied sample can be written as follows (Z= 2):[8–9](Ca17.1Na0.9)[8]Ca1.0[5](Fe2+0.44Fe3+0.34Mg0.22)[6](Al3.59Mg0.41)…