Holger Pfaff
Effects of a Classroom Training Program for Promoting Health Literacy Among IT Managers in the Workplace: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
Objective IT managers have received limited attention in health literacy research, although they are subject to special professional demands. The aim of this study was to evaluate a training program designed to promote health literacy among managers. Methods A randomized controlled trial with a sample of 171 industry managers from one IT company was conducted. Effects of classroom training on health literacy, psychological well-being, self-rated health, and cortisol awakening response were investigated using pre- (t0), post- (t1), and follow-up (t2) surveys. Results The intervention effects (time and group) were not significant for the primary outcome of health literacy. At the second measu…
Cluster-Randomized Studies.
Background Cluster-randomized trials (CRT) are needed to compare interventions that are allocated to entire groups of subjects, rather than to individuals. Publications about CRT have become steadily more common over the past decade. Readers of such publications should be able to categorize and interpret the findings of CRT correctly while considering the methodological requirements applicable to this type of study. Methods This review is based on a selection of pertinent literature and on the authors' expertise. CRT-specific methodological aspects of the planning, performance, and interpretation of studies are discussed. Results Readers of publications on CRT should check whether due consi…
Überlegungen des Expertenbeirats zu Anträgen im Rahmen des Innovationsfonds
Zusammenfassung Der Innovationsfonds schafft Anreize zur Entwicklung und Erprobung von Versorgungsinnovationen im Bereich der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung (GKV) mit dem Ziel einer qualitativen Weiterentwicklung der Versorgung in Deutschland. Uber einen Zeitraum von zunachst vier Jahren (2016-19) werden jahrlich 300 Millionen Euro fur Projekte zu „Neuen Versorgungsformen“ und zur „Versorgungsforschung“ bereitgestellt. Der vom Bundesministerium fur Gesundheit (BMG) berufene zehn-kopfige Expertenbeirat begutachtet in einem formalisierten Verfahren alle Antrage anhand verschiedener Kriterien auf wissenschaftliche Gute, Innovationsgehalt, Versorgungsrelevanz und Implementierbarkeit. Das vorl…