Giuseppe Espa

Effetti spaziali o settoriali? La crescita della dimensione media d'impresa in Italia

Utilizzando una recente versione della shift-share con struttura spaziale, in questo contributo scomponiamo il cambiamento della dimensione media delle imprese nelle province italiane rispetto a componenti di natura sia spaziale (di regione e di vicinato) che settoriale. L’analisi, condotta con riferimento al periodo 2004-2009, mette in risalto differenze di rilievo rispetto la classe dimensionale considerata. In particolare, si registra una netta demarcazione Nord-Sud nella distribuzione provinciale degli effetti spaziali e settoriali se consideriamo le micro imprese (1-10 addetti), mentre la geografia appare molto piu complessa per le piccole imprese (11-50 addetti).

research product

Firm Demography in the Accommodation Industry. Evidence from Italian Insular Regions

The purpose of this study is to analyse the spatial pattern and the post-entry performance of tourism businesses in the Italian insular regions of Sardinia and Sicily. Using geo-referenced micro-data for the period 2011-2014, we explore the spatial distribution of ac-commodation firms in the two insular regions, and then compare the coastal and inland areas of the two regions. We observe a higher dispersion of firms in Sardinia than in Sicily; the latter, however having a higher concentration of firms in coastal and urban areas. We do not find significant differences in survival probability across the two insular regions but we do detect significant differences be-tween coastal and inland a…

research product

Firm demography and regional development: evidence from Italy

This article contributes to the literature on firm demography and regional development in at least three different ways. First, consumption, rather than employment, which is the most common variable seen in literature, is used to measure the impact of firm demography on regional development. Second, while the literature is mainly focused on the relationship between new business formation and regional development, we investigate both entry and exit flows of firms. Third, we decompose each of these flows into spatial and sectoral components. The empirical investigation looks at the Italian regions with reference to the period 2004–2009. Results seem to be substantially divergent between the S…

research product

Decomposing regional business change at plant level in Italy: A novel spatial shift-share approach

type="main" xml:lang="es"> En este articulo se analiza la descomposicion espacial de cambios (shift-share) aplicada a datos italianos sobre cambios en los negocios regionales a nivel de planta, durante el periodo 2004–2009. Aqui se introduce un nuevo tipo de descomposicion espacial, que gestiona mas eficazmente la influencia del vecindario. De la investigacion empirica aparecen resultados notables. En primer lugar, se observo que el nivel de agregacion espacial afecta grandemente los resultados. En segundo lugar, se encontraron pruebas de una ventaja de vecindario en las regiones meridionales NUTS 3, a la vez que resultados opuestos para las regiones centro-norte NUTS 3. Finalmente, solo se…

research product

Advances in spatial economic data analysis: methods and applications

Spatial economic studies traditionally exploit areal data at the regional or sub-regional level. More recently, scholars have started to exploit spatial data of a different nature and, at the same time, extend the fields of application in economics. Specifically, this special issue contributes to the spatial economic literature by providing empirical evidence on a wide range of phenomena (socio-economic deprivation, land price volatility, electoral competition, real estate market, firm survival and tourism economics) and exploiting data at the municipality, firm, house and even individual level. At the same time, it tackles some of the methodological issues faced by the above-mentioned anal…

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