Marco Cosimo Simeone

Estimating the genetic diversity and structure ofQuercus trojanaWebb populations in Italy by SSRs: implications for management and conservation

Studying the genetic diversity and structure of the current forest populations is essential for evaluating the ability to survive to future biotic and abiotic changes and planning conservation strategies. Quercus trojana is an eastern Mediterranean tree species with a fragmented distribution range, and its westernmost outposts are located in southern Italy. The demand for timber and cropland over the centuries has severely reduced it s occurrence in this part of the range. We assessed the genetic diversity and structure of the extant Italian populations of Q. trojana and derived conservation guidelines. A total of 322 samples were genotyped with six polymorphic nuclear microsatellite marker…

research product

Monuments Unveiled: Genetic Characterization of Large Old Chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) Trees Using Comparative Nuclear and Chloroplast DNA Analysis

Large old trees are extraordinary organisms. They not only represent a historical, landscape and environmental heritage of inestimable value, but they also witness a long history of environmental changes and human interventions, and constitute an as yet poorly known reserve of genetic variability which can be considered a great resource for management programs of forest species. This is the first genetic study on Italian, large, old chestnut trees (Castanea sativa Mill.). Ninety-nine trees were surveyed and analysed. For each tree, more than one sample from canopy and root suckers was collected to test for the genetic integrity of the individuals. All samples were genotyped using nine nucle…

research product

Monumental chestnut trees: source of genetic diversity, cultural and landscape value

The mtonumental trees are unique individuals tof venerable age and ctonsiderable size, which represent a heritage tof inestimable histtorical, cultural, landscape, and scientific value ftor the territtory. They alsto ctonstitute a stource tof genetic diversity which ctonfers them ltongevity and ability tto adapt tto climate and envirtonmental changes. In this ctontext, studies ton centennial trees can be useful ftor interpretatiton tof species histtory as migratiton events, selectiton and anthrtoptogenic actiton. The aim tof this research was tto evaluate the genetic variability tof ancient Castanea sativa trees and relate them tto actual natural/naturalized ptopulatitons and varieties in t…

research product