José Luis Doménech
High-resolution Raman spectroscopy of the ν1 region and Raman-Raman double resonance spectroscopy of the 2ν1-ν 1 band of 32SF6 and 34SF 6. Determination of the equilibrium bond length of sulfur hexafluoride
The ν1 region of 32SF6 and 34SF6 has been studied by stimulated Raman spectroscopy. For both isotopomers, a detailed analysis has been performed. Several hot bands (ν1+ν6-ν6, ν1+2ν 6-2ν6, ν1+ν5-ν 5) have been taken into account to calculate synthetic spectra that satisfactorily reproduce the experimental data. These results, together with the previous studies of the other fundamental bands have allowed us to determine the equilibrium bond length of sulfur hexafluoride as r e=1.5560(1) Å, in very good agreement with recent ab initio calculations. The 2ν1-ν1 band has also been studied for both isotopomers by Raman-Raman double resonance spectroscopy and the resulting spectra have been analyze…
High-resolution stimulated Raman spectroscopy and analysis of the nu2, nu5 and 2 nu6 bands of 34SF6
9 p.Special Issue: Nineteenth Colloquium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy, Salamanca 11–16 September 2005
High‐resolution stimulated Raman spectroscopy and analysis of line positions and assignments for the ν 2 and ν 3 bands of 13 C 2 H 4
High-resolution stimulated Raman spectra of13C2H4 in the regions of the ν2 and ν3 Raman active modes have been recorded at two temperatures (145 and 296 K) based on the quasi continuous-wave (cw) stimulated Raman spectrometer at Instituto de Estructura de la Materia IEM-CSIC in Madrid. A tensorial formalism adapted to X2Y4 planar asymmetric tops with D2h symmetry (developed in Dijon) and a program suite called D2hTDS (now part of the XTDS/SPVIEW spectroscopic software) were proposed to analyze and calculate the high-resolution spectra. A total of 103 and 51 lines corresponding to ν2 and ν3 Raman active modes have been assigned and fitted in wavenumber with a global root mean square deviatio…