Sari Rissanen
“They’re always in a hurry” – Older people´s perceptions of access and recognition in health and social care services
The article examines older people's perceptions of quality of life from the perspective of access and use of health and social care services. The data include focus group discussions with older people living alone. The data were analysed using thematic analysis focusing on the older people's collective views on health and social care services as supportive or restrictive factors for their quality of life. Two central themes were present in all the focus group discussions: the importance of accessing services and information regarding the services, and need for recognition within the services/by the professionals. Both themes were connected to the older people's desire to maintain autonomy i…
“They're always in a hurry” : Older people's perceptions of access and recognition in health and social care services
The article examines older people's perceptions of quality of life from the perspective of access and use of health and social care services. The data include focus group discussions with older people living alone. The data were analysed using thematic analysis focusing on the older people's collective views on health and social care services as supportive or restrictive factors for their quality of life. Two central themes were present in all the focus group discussions: the importance of accessing services and information regarding the services, and need for recognition within the services/by the professionals. Both themes were connected to the older people's desire to maintain autonomy i…
Effects of ‘participatory group-based care management´ on wellbeing of older people living alone : a randomized controlled trial
Background and objectives More knowledge is needed of the effectiveness of complex interventions that aim to promote the wellbeing of older people. This study examines the effects of ‘participatory group-based care management’ conducted among community-dwelling older adults living alone in Central and Eastern Finland. The intervention aimed to promote wellbeing and quality of life (QoL) using a needs-based and participatory approach. Methods The study was carried out as a randomized control trial (intervention group n = 185, control group n = 207). In this article, baseline and 6-month follow-up surveys were used. QoL (WHOQOL-Bref instrument), loneliness (Revised UCLA Loneliness Scale; sing…
Parempaa elämänlaatua osallistavalla otteella : kokemuksia PROMEQ-hankkeesta
Itsemurhariskissä olevan ikäihmisen kanssa työskentelyssä vaaditut taidot sosiaalityössä : katsaus kansainväliseen tutkimukseen
Tämän artikkelin tavoitteena on tuottaa kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla sosiaalityön käytännön ja tutkimuksen kannalta merkityksellistä tietoa ikäihmisten itsemurhista. Millaisia iäkkäiden henkilöiden itsemurhan riskitekijöitä on löydetty aiemmissa sosiaalityön tutkimuksissa sekä millaisia sosiaalityön taitoja liitetään itsemurha-alttiin ikäihmisen kanssa työskentelyyn? Kirjallisuuskatsaus osoitti, että riskitekijöiksi voidaan nähdä ensinnäkin terveydentilaan liittyvät riskitekijät, toiseksi sukupuoleen ja perhetilanteeseen liittyvät riskitekijät ja kolmanneksi asumiseen ja taloudelliseen tilanteeseen liittyvät riskitekijät. Itsemurha-alttiiden ikäihmisten kanssa työskentelyssä tarvittavat so…