A. Botti
Microscopic structure of H2O–CO2 mixtures in supercritical conditions
Study of percolation and clustering in supercritical water-CO2 mixtures
The microscopic structure of supercritical water-CO(2) mixture is investigated by neutron diffraction experiments exploiting the isotopic HD substitution. The investigated water reach mixtures are in the liquidlike region of the phase diagram, according to the behavior of the radial distribution functions, yet a reduction of the average number of hydrogen bonds, compared to equivalent states of pure water, is found. As a consequence, the average dimension of water clusters is reduced and the system stays below the percolation threshold. These results, along with the shift of the main peaks of the site-site radial distribution functions, suggest that the excess volume in these supercritical …
CO(2)-water supercritical mixtures: Test of a potential model against neutron diffraction data
Abstract A neutron diffraction experiment on supercritical mixtures of water and CO 2 at two concentrations is presented. Data are analyzed within the EPSR framework and the water–water and water–CO 2 radial distribution functions are compared with those calculated by a Molecular Dynamics simulation performed by using the TIPS2 and EPM-M potential models for water and CO 2 respectively. It is found that the Molecular Dynamics simulation reproduces the overall shape of the site–site radial distribution functions, although missing a few subtle changes brought along when the CO 2 concentration is increased.