Doppi sensi. Dalla governance alla governamentalità, e ritorno
Vaccaro traces the double itinerary from Governance to Governementality, and viceversa, through the analysis of their political categories.
This introduction introduces the special section on Post-Truth and Political Theory, appeared on an issue of Soft Power.
Foucault, posverdad y parresia
In this paper, Vaccaro aims to interrogate the political value of truth. Moving from Hannah Arendt and the debate between modernity and postmodernity, the paper focus the Will to truth according the elaboration of Nietzsche, but also the first Collège de France course by Foucault in the ’70s. The thesis is a etho-politics of telling the truth, that to say the parrhesia, as an antidote either to the nihilation of truth in the post-truth, or to the enforcement of truth as the One in politics.
Da Bresci a Bin Laden?
In this article, the author understresses how a perspective on terror and terrorism since nowadays from the point of view of a philosophy of history gathers heterogeneous events in a solid and unitary block that annihilates strategies, tactics, motivations and rationality. Each violent gesture in politics becomes terror and terrorism, so to accomunate Gaetano Bresci and his assasination of Umberto I king of Italy in 1901 to Osama Bin Laden and Al Quaida with his attacks in semptember 11, 2001.
Populismo e governamentalità neoliberale
In this article, Vaccaro links the recent poltiical trends on populism with the neoliberal governmentality, along the foucauldian lecture.
First record of Pachygrapsus transversus (Gibbes, 1850) (Brachyura, Grapsidae) in Italian waters
[Pachygrapsus transversus (Gibbes, 1850) is reported for the first time from Italian waters. This crab was collected at Ustica Island and at several other localities on NW Sicily (southern Tyrrhenian Sea) on vermetid reefs, an intertidal habitat frequent in the sampling area. P. transversus, whose distributional range covers the warm and warm-temperate areas of the eastern and western Atlantic and the eastern Pacific, was already known from the eastern Mediterranean since the 1920s; prior to this paper it was recorded in the western Mediterranean only in 1980 and 1994 with very few specimens.There are no data to ascertain the origin of the Sicilian population, i.e., natural or ship-mediated…