P. Smirni
Memoria implicita, memoria emotiva e Pet therapy
Pet Therapy and cognition
Una nuova batteria di test di memoria di riconoscimento verbale e non verbale: uno studio preliminare.
Disabilità cognitiva e diagnosi di simulazione: una prova di riconoscimento di numeri a scelta obbligata
Objective: to investigate the usefulness of a Forced Choice Recognition Memory Test for Numbers to detect malingering or exaggeration of cognitive dysfunctions in order to obtain compensation. Subjects: Malingering was assessed in 2 normal groups, both of 50, and 3 pathological groups: mild traumatic brain injured subjects (n 30), minimal (n 20) and mild Alzheimer subjects (n 20), and mental retarded subjects (n 20). Test and Procedures: The forced choice recognition memory test for numbers requires subjects to identify wich of two five digit numbers shown on a card was the same as a number seen prior to a brief delay. Two sets of 18 trials have delays of 5 and 10 sec, for a total of 36 tri…